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We would much rather be sitting in a deer stand rather than crunching numbers and doing math, but GON’s unique database of officially scored bucks is a gold mine of information. And like a precious metal, it has to be extracted. That’s hard work, but we love it because the information is unique and priceless. …
One thing we learned during the craziness of COVID is how quickly everything can go to hell in a bucket. The two top stories in the news on April 3, 2020, was no toilet paper in the stores and an absolute meltdown of outrage because the Georgia governor said it was OK to take a…
The tradition of opening day of gun season continues. Two parental teachers have lasting memories with their protégé’s. A former understudy draws the line. Tyler pulled down the hill of the roadside shoulder and stared at the trailhead along the edge of the woods next to the bridge. There were no signs of Ty and…
Hunters can recognize the signpost of a buck rub very quickly. The shredded bark of trees and saplings confirm white-tailed buck activity on their property or lease—generating anticipation for the approaching hunting season. Within the secluded woodlands, a lone white-tailed buck steadily moves through a labyrinth of deadfall and decaying plant life. The fall…
The National Deer Alliance (NDA) encourages sportsmen to get involved in a U.S. Forest Service planning process that could lead to better forest management to benefit wildlife. Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest will host its first annual stakeholder meeting for Foothills Landscape Project (FLP) implementation on Thursday, Oct. 13 at Cohutta Springs in Crandall from 1 p.m.…
Another Way To Get A Deer Out Of The Woods Dear GON, In regards to “Deer Down! Now What?” in the August issue, the author told of some useful methods for getting a deer out of the woods. This was after highlighting the fact that the older he gets, the harder it gets. Those are…
Georgia’s deer rutting activity varies widely across the state, a fact more unique to Georgia than probably any other state with a large population of white-tailed deer. This range in timing provides both great opportunity and sometimes great confusion to Georgia hunters. We know WMA hunters who follow the rut peak on public lands across…
Wild Game Brunswick Stew The beauty of wild game Brunswick Stew is that there are no steadfast rules as to what the meat can be. You can use venison, turkey, dove, quail and even squirrel. This recipe uses venison and quail. Cook in a crockpot set on low on Friday night and enjoy it all…