

Oaky Woods WMA Adds Hunting Land

In a very fortunate turn of events, Oaky Woods, one of the most popular WMAs in middle Georgia, recently grew by 656.75 acres. The new land is open for hunting and fishing, says WRD’s Lee Taylor. As a huge bonus, the new tract borders the Ocmulgee River for 2 1/2 miles, according to Jimmy Paul,…

The ‘5 Rs’ To Figure Out Bucks On Your Property

Trail cameras have become an almost required tool to hunt big bucks. Now, modern cameras are made to send pictures to your cell phone so that you don’t have to continuously go in the woods to pull cards. Often times these cameras provide pictures of bucks that give hunters the hope they need to go…

It Will Hunt Again

I look at the picture every day. Sitting on my bookshelf is a framed photograph of my grandfather, grandmother and mom taken outside my grandfather’s parents’ home in Naylor, Georgia in the mid-1950s when my mom was five or six. It is what’s in my grandfather’s hand that interests me so. That strong hand of…

Whitetail Or Upside Down African Buffalo?

Corey Wren, of Rentz, killed a buck with such a unique set of antlers that even our state deer biologist is scratching  his head. The Laurens County buck first made an appearance on Corey’s trail camera on Nov. 10, 2021. The buck had two main beams that grew straight out to the side. “They were…

Build A Game & Fish Cleaning Table

Being the son of an outdoor writer, Daniel J. Felsher began hunting and fishing at a very early age and frequently accompanied me on many adventures. Always handy with tools, Daniel now serves on active duty with the U.S. Navy as an aircraft engine mechanic. – John N. Felsher The idea for a fish and…

Big Buck Luck

By Wyatt Park The sky is still black when I hop out of bed to go deer hunting. I slip on my pants and jacket. After that, I eat a dense breakfast of eggs and cereal. My grandpa, Doc, is coming to pick me up. Once he arrives, I walk out into the cold, dark…

My First Wild Quail

I have never read a description that fully conveys the feeling of witnessing a covey rise. How can anyone accurately describe such a scene? You must be present in the moment. It’s a feeling that should be experienced. The tense muscles as you quietly approach the thick cover. The pulse in your finger as it…

Wild Dogs Attack Hunter

Editor’s Note: The below story about wild dogs attacking a man took place on Sunday, Jan. 15. The event was extremely traumatic for the victim’s family, and he asks that only his first name be used. However, he wanted to share his story with GON readers so that no one has to experience what happened…

Tree Falls On Buck During Tornado Outbreak

A Pike County buck was found dead under a mature pine tree after a tornado ripped through parts of Pike County on Jan. 12. According to the National Weather Service, the Pike County twister was one of 12 that tore through parts of Georgia last month. “It looked like it had 6 points, some of …

OxCart Designed To Handle And Dump Very Heavy Loads

You don’t see many GON articles about specific products, and this one about the OxCart pull-behind utility cart was a like a perfect storm of unlikely factors coming together with just-right timing. First, I got a call from Todd Dechant, the owner and inventor OxCart. Todd had a cart on display at an Atlanta-area retail…

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