The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided from DNR LED. When you look at this picture above from 2020, remember that the red snapper…
Email pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Or mail to GON Spy-Cam, PO Box 1379, Madison, GA 30650.
Few events are more distressing than waking up to the news of some deranged idiot shooting people at a school or mall. Is there a solution—a magic wand move that would make it 100% certain we never wake up to that news again? The answer is no. But if we’re going to do something to…
With most debatable topics, I have an opinion, a side that I know I stand on. With this one, I am just not sure. I can argue both sides. As I was going through the annual GON VOTES results, I saw a comment from someone in favor of lowering the Georgia buck limit to one.…
The much anticipated score from Wade Severson’s Wilcox County buck is in, and the main-frame 12-pointer grosses 188 2/8 inches and netted out at 182 6/8 inches, making it the No. 7 typical of all-time for Georgia. “I’m stoked to say the least,” said Wade. “I can’t give enough thanks to my neighbor for the…
During what for hunters and fishermen has been a relatively uneventful session of the Georgia Legislature, along comes a proposed law that would create a new director-level position within DNR for someone with the power and duty to increase outdoor recreation in the state. House Bill 314 would establish the position of Director of Outdoor…
Justin Nalley, of Hampton, caught a five-bass limit weighing 22-lbs., 8-ozs. on Feb. 18 to win the MLF Phoenix BFL on Lake Lanier. The tournament was the first event of the 2023 season for the BFL Bulldog Division. Justin earned $5,970 for his victory. Justin’s win came in his first BFL event fished as a…
Lots of different styles of fishing are appealing, but for me, bass fishing a small lake in the early spring is hard to beat. Small lakes, in general, are my favorite, so don’t be surprised to see me biting the bullet and writing quite a few small lake profiles in upcoming issues of GON. Throw…
On Feb. 4, fishing club members of the E3 Bassmasters, the Marietta Bassmasters, Lake Allatoona USACE volunteers, the Lake Allatoona Association and the Georgia DNR conducted another planting as part of an ongoing habitat enhancement project on Allatoona Lake. The fishing club members belong to the Bass Anglers Sportsman Society, as well as the local…
Editor’s Note: Tina Johannsen is WRD’s Assistant Chief with Game Management. Olivia Menard helped tell the story. I probably don’t have to tell y’all that hunters are a small group (less than 10% of the population), and in most states, our numbers are dwindling. State wildlife agencies like mine (GA DNR WRD) are funded by…