

Realtree Kids: June 2023


Of Raptors And Rodents

Perhaps I’ve mentioned too many times in this space my love/(mostly) hate relationship with squirrels. Yeah, that had to be how word got out. On the other hand, who knew that hawks could read? This time of year, when about all I’m legally allowed to place lead into is a nasty pig or coyote, is…

June Is Time To Check Out Some Kids’ Fishing Events

School is out, and the fish ponds are open! June is the month when it’s pretty easy to find a Kids’ Fishing Event taking place, even if you have to ride a little piece to get to one. If you can’t make one of these scheduled events, it doesn’t matter. There are so many public…

Brain Matter & Other Things

Surely, if you put in enough time in the deer stand, you probably have been busted. You know that terribly unsettling feeling that you get when a deer catches your scent in the wind, raises its nose a few times and blows loud enough to scare off any other deer nearby. Well, the whitetail deer…

Letters To The Editor: June 2023

What About Extending Small-Game Season? Dear GON, Since the increase in deer season, this has decreased the days of the small-game season. Even though the small-game season comes in during November, you really can’t hunt public hunting or even private areas for rabbits when the deer season is in due to dogs disturbing deer hunters…

Hunter’s Journal: Nighttime Hunt For Monster Boar

By Dave Warner  So, a sizable portion of hunting has gotten a bad name. The bad press comes from hunters who hunt for trophies and not to provide food, help with invasive species eradication or do dangerous critter removal. I don’t want to pass judgment on folks who hunt for trophies, but it’s just not…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – June 2023

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided by DNR LED. Warren County: On Oct 12, 2021, Sgt. Matt Garthright received a complaint of a…

Scrapbook – June 2023

Send photographs to [email protected], and please include name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and details.                                    

We Stick Together

This may not have the heaviest hook-and-bullet flavor of any article I have ever written for GON, but it is certainly one that the outdoors community can appreciate. This is a story of patriotism and unity. Nearly every time I take to the woods or water to do what I love, I think about the…

How The Truck-Buck Weeks Were Won – 2022 Deer Season

Another group of Georgia deer hunters will soon take the stage at the Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast on July 30 to compete in the 34th annual Truck-Buck Shoot-Out. The second-best shot will win a Firminator G-3, and the man, woman or youngster who makes that last shot will win a new truck from John Megel Chevy.…

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