

Clarks Hill Early Spring Crappie

Billy Murphy’s success as a crappie fisherman on Clarks Hill, and his local reputation as someone who knows where the crappie are and whether they are biting or not, comes from several factors. One is the fact that he has been fishing the lake full time since it was impounded, first with his father and…

Allatoona Striper Breaks Record

On February 15,. 2002, Clint Hight of Adairsville set a new lake record for stripers on Lake Allatoona- his 42-lb. lineside beat Gary Sosebee’s 1995 record by 2 1/2 pounds. Clint was bass fishing out of his Triton just below the mouth of Illinois Creek on the Etowah River arm when he got a strong…

Georgia Quail, BQI And Bob Lane

During the last five years, Georgia hunters and fishermen have enjoyed strong leadership for their interests in the state legislature, and the list of results is impressive. From organized efforts to restore wild quail, to elevating the legal status of hunting from a “privilege” to a “right,” outdoorsmen have witnessed an unusual amount of energy…

Raps, Rigs And Jigs For Tobesofkee March Bass

Tobesofkee is a small lake just outside Macon that can offer some great bass fishing this month.  Although it gets extremely crowded with pleasure boaters in warmer weather, most of March belongs to the fishermen. The bass cooperate by quickly moving to shallow water as soon as the weather starts to warm and the days…

Quality Sinclair Bass In March

Sometimes a graph adds more frustration to a bass-fishing situation than it does to help the cause. Such was the case for Jim Windham and I on Lake Sinclair last week. “There’s a pile of fish down there,” Jim said as his boat drifted over the point we’d just pulled crankbaits across. The graph was…

Time To Plant Cool-Season Money Plots

The food-plot craze is well entrenched among Georgia deer hunters. The idea of improving the nutrition available to your land’s wildlife, while also dramatically improving your chances of putting venison on the ground, has driven more and more hunters to take the food-plot plunge. Farmers we are not, but you wouldn’t know that by the…

Lake Lanier Primed For Big Spotted Bass

When I got the assignment to do a spotted-bass story on Lake Lanier, I must admit that I wasn’t terribly excited. The prospect of sitting at the end of a long  point or over a hump dangling a jigging spoon in 40 feet of water over a brushpile wasn’t that appealing. Particularly since it was…

GON Organizes Crockford-Pigeon Mountain WMA Work Day

A work day on a Wildlife Management Area spawned from the Friends of WMAs idea started by GON is set for Crockford-Pigeon Mtn. WMA for Saturday, March 16, 2002. “Y’all have a great idea how to channel the desire of sportsmen to help and volunteer,” said area manager Allen Padgett. “I do this with other…

2002 Survey Shows Wide Support For Deer Baiting

Should “yellow acorns” be legal? With legislators considering two proposed law changes during the 2002 Georgia legislative session that would legalize baiting for deer, GON asked its readers to fill out and mail back to us a survey question on the baiting issue. The number of responses was near a record-high for any GON survey…

The 2002 Georgia Turkey Special

When that first break of orange appears on the horizon early on the morning of March 23, I’ll be standing in a riverbottom somewhere, covered from head to toe in camouflage, with a Remington in one hand and a wooden barred owl call in the other. I’ll be on full alert — waiting for my…

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