If you were one of the lucky hunters who attended the February 14-16, 2002 hog-only quota hunt at Bond Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, there’s a good chance you went home with some pork. Out of 56 hunters, 25 hogs were checked in for a hunter-success rate of 44.6 percent. Bond Swamp, located along the Ocmulgee…
Small lakes offer big opportunities. That axiom holds true in a couple of ways. Look at the Georgia Biggest Bass List in last month’s GON, and you will see that small lakes are well represented on that list, making up more than 50 percent of the entries. Small lakes can produce huge bass. So why…
It’s amazing how much an effect mental attitude has on my willingness to hunt turkeys. I suppose it’s human nature, actually. Charged up and inspired at daylight by the mystery of what adventures a new spring day will bring sends my senses into overdrive as I wait, eagerly anticipating the first gobble of the morning.…
Georgia Fisheries Section is planning on going fishing in March for white bass and striped bass brood stock for the 2002 hybrid/striped bass stocking program. Brood stock fish are caught in March and early April as they make their spawning runs up rivers draining into the reservoirs. With all the state to choose from, WRD…
It was a rainy day in late February. The weather had been warm for several days before, and an approaching front had brought a slow steady rain. I was fishing Lake Bennett at the Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center. The fish were biting like nobody’s business, and a 5- and a 7-lb. bass along with several…
Lake Eufaula is famous for its shallow flats and big bass. February is a good month to find bass beginning to move out of the river and creek channels across the flats toward shallow water. Find the right spot and you can load your boat right now. The flats at Eufaula are extensive and shallow,…
It’s time to blow the dust off your Zebcos and spinning reels — crappie season is about to be here! Those of you who still go fishing for the pure comfort and relaxation of the sport may not enjoy the hustle and bustle that often accompanies fishing on a major reservoir. Maybe a day of…
With the approach of the 2002 General Assembly, we grow closer to learning whether sportsmen will be missed, winged, or gut shot by budget cuts. DNR’s Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) has already submitted mandatory proposals for meeting a 5-percent cut for the budget, and as GON reported last month, the items on WRD’s list don’t look…
If a big bucketmouth in the boat is on your agenda this spring, let me get you started a few weeks early — and you’ll barely have to leave Atlanta to try and catch one. Located in portions of Butts, Jasper and Newton counties, Lake Jackson is a traditional big-fish lake in February. You don’t…
Wyman Stowell, of Griffin, said he had hunted Oaky Woods WMA for three years and had not seen a deer. “But this place is so thick with planted pines that I thought there had to be a big deer in there.” On the afternoon of Nov. 28, 2001, Wyman was 18 feet up a tree…