

Lake Lanier Neglected Largemouth

What’s this? A bass article on Lake Lanier that focuses on largemouths? Virtually every bit of press having to do with bass fishing on Lanier over the last couple of years has focused on the growing spotted bass population in this famous body of water north of Atlanta, and with good reason. A number of…

Dodge PFA Throwing Lunker Bass

Dave Partridge, of Albany, is a senior biologist with DNR Fisheries who had never seen Dodge County Public Fishing Area until February, 2003. He was impressed and decided to come back the next weekend. The results of Dave’s fishing over two days, February 8 and 9, included largemouths weighing (in pounds-ounces) 11-14, 10-1, 8-14 and…

DNR Budget 2003: Georgia Sportsmen See Decline In Services

The people who bring you the services you pay for when you buy a hunting license or fishing license are feeling the pinch of budget tightening. The services they offer to you are being stretched, thinned, even eliminated in some cases, and budget circumstances are likely to worsen. Georgia is facing a budget crisis, and…

QU Celebrity Quail Hunt Includes Sonny Perdue

For the past 17 years Georgia has hosted the Celebrity Quail Hunt, Quail Unlimited’s (QU) signature event. The concept is simple enough; allow a group of hunters to bid on the opportunity to hunt on select quail-hunting properties with celebrities and corporate executives, and provide a series of highly entertaining evening events where they can…

March Wildlife In Mind

For deer and turkeys, March can be the toughest survival month in the calendar. Acorns, seeds and soft mast are usually gone by this time of year, and of course the green growth of native forbs and grasses has yet to return and won’t until April in most parts of Georgia. Yet, this is a…

Lake Blue Ridge Walleye

If you want to catch walleye in Georgia, the place you need to go is Lake Blue Ridge. There are walleye in other north Georgia lakes, of course, and some good ones. The state record fish at 11-lbs. 6-ozs. was caught in Lake Russell. The previous record of 11 pounds even was caught from Lake…

Fishing Delayed At Bear Creek Reservoir

Georgia anglers eager to fish for F-1 hybrid largemouths stocked into Bear Creek Reservoir in Jackson County are going to have to wait a little longer. The 550-acre water-supply lake was originally projected to open for fishing March 1, 2003. But due to security concerns spawned by the September 11 attacks, opening the lake to…

Briggs Wins Grand National Turkey Calling

They all sounded so good, but only one contestant could get his hands on that $3,000 check for first place. This year it was Benny Briggs from Harlem, as he made yelps, cackles and kee-kees sound effortless. Benny, a former winner of the World Turkey Calling Championship, won the Realtree Grand America Turkey Calling Contest.…

Wildlife In Mind: March 2003

  If I told you to plant something in the “brassica” family for your deer, chances are good you’d give me a blank stare. But you’ve actually heard a lot about brassica — it’s the family of plants that includes collards, mustards, turnips, rape, kale, and any of the “greens.” You’ve heard of Biologic? Pennington’s…

Kill Tough Gobblers

Turkeys are unpredictable, unreliable and undependable. Rarely can you count on what a gobbler will do, when he’ll do it or how he’ll do it. As a turkey hunter, you are allowed multiple chances and dozens of screw-ups before you actually get to take your safety off. However, as a turkey hunter you’ll learn to…

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