“Deer tracks makes mighty thin soup.” You’ve seen this old joke cross-stitched and framed or painted on plaques in country homes, but you don’t hear it much anymore. Honestly, when was the last time you came home from the woods unsuccessful but reported with enthusiasm that you had seen some deer tracks? But there was…
Like shooting fish in a barrel, only easier. Even this buck, a mature one from what he could see so far, didn’t seem to have a care in the world as it walked through the hard-wood bottom toward the creek, approaching steadily. Pathetic deer. Time to put a little fear of man back in ya,…
The bass hit the junebug split-shot Trick Worm in about 6 feet of water, and when Mike Meason set the hook the fish came straight up out of the water like a Polaris missile. The 4-pounder cleared the surface by at least a foot, then splashed back into the water broadside, nearly on its back.…
Those of us who have had the opportunity to hunt ducks in a flooded field of corn or grain sorghum, or in an impoundment planted in rice, know that these settings have the potential to draw clouds of ducks. The hunting opportunities that result can be outstanding, but the bad news is that most of…
Sensing some slight, imperceptible twitch in his line, Joel set the hook and moments later a crappie skidded across the surface from under the dock toward the boat. “I think that’s 10 in a row,” he said. I had caught zero, and as far as I could tell, had not had a bite. Joel fired…
It is appropriate that May is a good month to turn your habitat-management thoughts to wild turkeys, since many of us still have turkeys in our hunting thoughts as well. May is the right time to put in a plot of chufa, a nut sedge that will feed wild turkeys during the tough months of…
Spring is here, and it’s an early one this year, so the wildlife on your land has been carried through the sparse months of winter on the food plots you offered. The browsers have made it to the season of plenty, and for birds, spring means the return of insects. Soon there will be fruits…
Paradise Public Fishing Area (PFA) is still and always will be one of the jewels of Georgia’s PFA program, even if its glory days of monster-bass fame are history for now. But this spring the PFA is well on its way to reclaiming that honor. When Paradise PFA was first purchased by the state in 1989,…
Chuck Bonner, of McDonough, knew something strange was going on last season when he and the hunters on his club in Crawford County saw three or four different deer that appeared to have their ears turned inside out. On Dec. 9, one of the deer, a button buck, was shot by a hunter. Chuck took…
Trevor McEntyre, of Plainville, is a bowhunter. As of February, 2003, he has taken 14 of the 27 big-game animals of North America with his bow, including grizzly bear, musk ox, both black and brown bear, bighorn sheep, antelope, Dall sheep — and an elk that scored 300 Pope & Young points. He has also traveled…