Beginning in March, white bass, hybrids and stripers begin their spring migration out of many of Georgia’s reservoirs and up the tributary rivers. Places like Dyers Pasture on the Oconee River above Lake Oconee, the Chattahoo-chee above Lanier around Lula, and Franklin Shoals on the Chattahoochee above Lake West Point are legendary for the phenomenal…
A very special thanks to those who attended the dual Friends of WMAs workday at River Bend and Beaverdam WMAs this past weekend. If you notice some cleaner roads and hunter-access trails this turkey season on either of these middle Georgia areas, there’s a good chance that a Friends volunteer cleared it for you. If…
As water temperatures finally climb into the mid 50s, more and more bass anglers will be removing the cover from their bass boats, filling up their tanks and heading to the lake. The next three months will be a fun time to be a fisherman. It’s just so much fun to catch a bass when…
Good news for Georgia trout fishermen! There are nearly 1.2 million trout swimming in state hatchery runs awaiting the 2003 trout season. “It is looking very good,” said Hal Chestnutt, superintendent of the Lake Burton Hatchery. “We have had a good growing season and have produced 80,000 more trout above the proposed numbers. All the…
Even for those of us who spent more time daydreaming about fishing instead of paying attention to the teacher, “spring” is an easy word to spell: c-r-a-p-p-i-e. Nothing spells springtime to an angler like the thoughts of a warm, springlike day spent on the water filling the livewell with a limit of slab crappie. Crappie…
This month you can bury those jigging spoons back down into your tackle box and start throwing something a little more horizontal. In mid February, Lake Oconee’s water temperature was still in the upper 40s, but it was slowly warming. Some fish had already begun to move shallow around wood cover and rock. As we…
The bass was so big that when it got hung up in the submerged tree limbs, Sam jumped into the lake to get the fish. On March 16, 2002, Sam Taylor, of Box Springs, was bass fishing in a 14-acre Marion County pond. He had cast a 4-inch watermelon seed Gambler tube worm into a…
One of the greatest ironies of the present struggle that quail are facing in Georgia and the Southeast, an irony pointed out a few months back by wildlife biologist Reggie Thackston in the pages of GON, is that at one time people created excellent quail habitat and flourishing populations entirely by accident. Today, even through…
Soon after settling in for an afternoon deer hunt in Gordon County on Dec. 21, 2003, Jackson Jordon, 16, of Red Bud, soon found out what it was like to be the prey of a small pack of coyotes. Forty-five minutes after hitting the woods on the private lease he was hunting, Jackson thought he…
To catch bass in Georgia in February usually means one of three things — hope for a warm spell, head south, or look for clear water and spotted bass. If you live in northwest Georgia, the first two are tough, but you have Carters Lake near you which has clear water and a great population…