Georgiaʼs early teal and goose season began on Saturday, September 20, and most hunters GON talked to said that teal were scarce. According to Greg Balkcom, Georgia WRDʼs waterfowl biologist, teal numbers are generally lowest along the Savannah River, better in the middle part of the state in places like along the Ocmulgee River, and…
The sounds outside, the rain and wind and rumble of thunder, could have been a thousand miles away. There was silence under here, except for the repetitive drip of a small rivulet of water that fell through an unseen crevice to the dank floor of the cave. Jack Elliot stood like an outside linebacker set…
Those of you who have been pursuing bass on Georgia lakes through the hot summer months know just how tough summertime bass fishing can be. Soaring air and water temperatures seem to combine to make the fish lethargic and action scarce. While higher-than-average rainfall amounts and lower-than-normal average temperatures have made this summer better than…
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and resources from game and fish law violators. The following information was taken from DNR Law Enforcement reports. Clinch County: On May 19, 2003, DNR Ranger First Class Jason…
Every so often, a relic recovered from some dusty tomb, or a fragment of bone fossilized in rock, helps historians fill in one more gap in the story of the past. Similarly, it happens every now and then that a Georgia whitetail buck killed decades ago, brought to light by circumstance, is finally put down…
In the late 1990s, fishing guides targeting sharks and tarpon during the early autumn started catching redfish in the waters off the southern end of St. Simons Island — big redfish, some of which pushed record size. These anglers were working the area between Gouldʼs Inlet and the shipping channel leading into the St. Simons…
How would you like to have more than 200 acres of water with lots of stumps, grass, and lily pads, along with hungry largemouth bass, bream, and crappie, all to yourself? That was the experience that Joe Bradford and I had just a couple of weeks ago at Lake Hamburg at Hamburg State Park in…
Many folks, including Bruce Adams, know that snakes have a place in natureʼs web of life, but it was something he had to convince his wife of last spring when she saw a big snake up in a tree. It was a big eastern kingsnake, and it was eating baby birds out of a nest.…
Tired of rocking and rolling over boat wakes while probing deep brush as you hope a bass will bite at Lake Lanier? There is an alternative way to fish, one that puts you on smaller water with fewer boats, and it produces quality fish. The Chattahoochee River up near the Lula Bridge is one such…
DNR Commissioner Lonice Barrett summed up the budget situation on August 19 when he told the DNR Board that meeting the latest ordered budget cuts had been like deciding “which one of your kids do you want to shoot?” With Georgiaʼs state-revenue outlook growing more dismal, Gov. Sonny Perdueʼs office issued orders to agencies in…