

Ogeechee River Record Yellow Bullhead

Glenn Settles, of Guyton, holds three records on the Ogeechee River, including the record for his yellow bullhead that weighed 4-lbs., 15-ozs. Glenn’s big yellow bullhead catfish also set a world record.

Lake Chatuge Record Spotted Bass

This Georgia lake record will be hard to top. James Dean, of Canton, now holds the Lake Chatuge spotted bass record with a 6.82-lb. spot that he caught Oct. 11, 2003 during a bass tournament. The previous record was 5-lbs., 1-oz.

Tips To Avoid Shooting Button Bucks

Itʼs a button-head dilemma. You have your crosshairs locked in on an antlerless deer, but is it a doe or a button buck? Most deer hunters would like to pass up button bucks — if they could just tell for sure which deer was and which deer wasnʼt a buttonhead. There are some characteristics that will…

Safari Club Launches National Effort To Fight Anti-Hunters, But Who Is Leading Local Fight?

The first issue of a brand new magazine came across my desk last month. It had slick, glossy paper and a handsome buck on the cover. My first thought was… another national hunting magazine with a lot of articles on gear, Illinois bucks, and maybe a how-to article on driving a neck of woods between…

Fall Fiction: The Sanctuary Buck Part 3

Days pass under the comfortable blanket of routine. The mundane stresses seem so important, then in an instant real life hits like a sudden uppercut to the jaw… like the sound of breaking glass and the deafening wail of a burglar alarm. Jack shot straight up in bed. Loud steps pounded down the hallway, then…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner October 2003

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and resources from game and fish law violators. Lowndes County: On March 3, 2003, Cpl. Greg Moody and Ranger First Class (RFC) Tommy Daughtry located cracked corn on…

Juliette Bass In The Fall Grass

Lake Juliette is hard to beat for October bass. It is a pretty, 3,600-acre Georgia Power Co. lake between Macon and Atlanta, just east of Forsyth and I-75. The water is clear and full of grass, and the bass move into it in shallow water this month to feed. The action can be fast, and…

Troll Slow For Eufaula October Crappie

No deer rifle, no deer stand, no problem! If you would rather fish than hunt, or just want to mix in some fishing with your days afield pursuing game, October is a great time to be an outdoorsman. With the very comfortable weather conditions, the fall season is a wonderful time to crank up the boat…

The Osborne Eight: Georgia’s Best 8-Point Buck Ever

Whatʼs the highest-scoring 8-point buck in Georgia? Now there is an official answer to this often-asked question. Georgiaʼs best 8-pointer was killed in Morgan County by Jimmy Osborne, of Doraville, on opening day of firearms season, 1968. Jimmy, then 28 years old, was with his dad, Blue Osborne. The father-and-son team had done a lot…

Where Are Teal For Georgia Early Season?

Georgiaʼs early teal and goose season began on Saturday, September 20, and most hunters GON talked to said that teal were scarce. According to Greg Balkcom, Georgia WRDʼs waterfowl biologist, teal numbers are generally lowest along the Savannah River, better in the middle part of the state in places like along the Ocmulgee River, and…

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