
Georgia Trappers Association Convention: Great Event For All Level Trappers

John Henry Spann | September 29, 2024

As a member of the Georgia Trappers Association (GTA), I have had a front-row seat to the hard work, political advocacy and conservation efforts that make the GTA an essential organization in our great state. I am proud to be numbered among the men and women who invest their time, talent and energy into a group that may not be as well known as some outdoor and wildlife advocacy groups but is every bit as essential to upholding our God given rights to experience and participate in God’s creation.

As of  Sept. 21, the 43rd Georgia Trappers Association Convention is in the books. The event was a resounding success, with more than 150 participants, dozens of demonstrations and activities and a clear, overarching theme that the trappers in this state continue to stand in the front lines protecting our access to the great outdoors.

The event took place outside of Dublin at the Sportsman Club, a venue that had a fully stocked concession stand and overnight camping available for anyone wanting to spend the night Friday evening and not miss a second of the action.

I cannot recommend spending the night enough. Otherwise, you might end up like me and miss running the trapline that kicks off both days of the convention.

After the traplines were run, each day of the two-day affair including trap setting demonstrations (teaching both novice trappers the basics and seasoned trapping veterans new techniques to catch everything from beavers to armadillos and everything in between), as well as numerous vendors, raffles, an auction and updates regarding the bills coming up for votes in the statehouse that need our support or opposition.

As always, the major highlights for me were the kids’ events. I brought my four oldest children along, who joined dozens of other youngsters in a ton of activities designed specifically to engage the youth and ensure that the future of trapping is secure. I don’t know if I can brag on Jason Chapman, the GTA youth director, enough. He kept them all entertained most of the day Saturday with a trap-setting contest, DIY raccoon bait making, a build-your-own-snare station and the highly anticipated and never disappointing World Famous Possum Toss!

By the end of the convention Saturday afternoon, with full bellies and brains overflowing with new ideas on how to improve our trapping this season, we all sat down to hear the GTA award winners for the previous year. Highlights included:

Trapper of the Year: Michael Turner
Hall of Fame Inductee: Sam Stowe
Presidential Award: Annabelle Wilson
Legislative/Congressional Award: Mike Wilson
Director of Year: Joel Thiel
Leadership Award: Josh Hall

And last, but not least, Mike Wilson, was voted in as the new GTA president. I look forward to his leadership next year, continuing the tradition of excellence perpetuated by Josh Hall.

The GTA has enriched my family in many ways. Not only has it given us another reason to get up early and get in the woods, especially during those months after turkey season has ended and before deer season kicks off (coyote, beaver, raccoon and opossum can be trapped year-round in Georgia on private property), but we have become immersed in a community that puts first things first.

I don’t think you are going to find a better group of men and women who value what is really important. The members of the GTA and those who show up to their events are the kind of people who will give you the shirts off their backs. They are people who will volunteer their afternoons to create a demonstration on the importance of giving your life to Jesus, another highlight of the convention, and then take your call and give you advice on how best to improve the flat set you made in the middle of their work day.

It should be apparent by now, but I can’t recommend the GTA highly enough and encourage you to look up their events page and see how you can get involved. I can guarantee you will become fast friends with some of the best people you will ever meet, deepen your love of the outdoors, have a greater respect for the beautiful world our God has created and maybe even catch a few coyotes along the way!

The 44th Annual GTA Convention is set for Sept. 19-20, 2025. The location is uncertain, but you don’t want to miss it!

For more information, check out the Georgia Trappers Association.

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