Truck-Buck Week 8 Results 2020-2021
Final results after Tifton and Madison scoring events. Winner will be contacted.
GON Staff | March 19, 2021
Week 8 (Oct. 31 – Nov. 6)
Hunter, County, Score
1. Colby Johnson, Worth, *195 3/8

Colby Johnson, of Hartsfield, with his 18-point Worth County buck taken on Nov. 4, 2020.
2. Jimmy Grubbs, Tift, *172 7/8
3. Reid Diers (b), Colquitt, 146 5/8
4. Charlie Richardson, Crawford, 140 5/8
5. Jimmy Causey, Dooly, 136 5/8
6. Aaron Yoder (b) (pl), Montezuma Bluffs WMA, 136 4/8
7. Frank Carden, Twiggs, 135 4/8
Keith Bingham, Walton, 135 4/8
9. Billy Joe Padgett, Telfair, 134 3/8
10. Mike Cockerham, Macon, *152 7/8
11. John Lester (b), Harris, 132 0/8
12. Warren Rutledge, Henry, 129 4/8
13. Jack Lester (b), Dooly, *146 4/8
14. Mary Margaret West (y), Dooly, 127 2/8
15. Eric Kent, Walton, 126 2/8
16. Tom Winn (pl), Clybel WMA, 124 6/8
17. Dylan Cannon (y), Coweta, 124 5/8
18. Jonathan Roberts, Dooly, *141 4/8
19. John Cobb (y), Heard, 121 3/8
20. Addy Rae Purvis (y) (l), Jefferson, *138 6/8
21. Brady Norton (y), Walton, 119 2/8
22. Harley Davis, Jones, 118 7/8
23. Todd Barnette (b), Turner, 114 7/8
24. Randy Kemp (pl), Grand Bay WMA, 105 1/8
25. Case Conaway (y), Washington, *119 4/8
26. Melony Kemp (l), Lowndes, 102 7/8
27. Robert Foster (c), Fulton, 102 0/8
28. Andrew Hallman (y), Meriwether, 100 0/8
29. Cheyenne Watkins (y) (l), Hancock, 84 4/8
Key: * Non-typical score, (y) youth, (l) ladies, (b) bow, (pl) public-land
To compare typical versus non-typical racks, divide the net scores into the minimums for B&C all-time record books; 170 for typicals and 195 for non-typicals, to get a percentage. The higher percentage ranks higher.
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