
photo of a deer killed by Darrin Ray Srphoto of a deer killed by Darrin Ray Srphoto of a deer killed by Darrin Ray Sr

Hunter: Darrin Ray Sr

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Cherokee

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

It was a cold and frosty morning. I got in my stand around 6:30 on the power line and settled in and waited for it to get light. It was a slow morning but did see a doe at 8:00 and a spike with 1 antler at 9:30. The wind started to blow about 9:00. I wasn't really expecting to see many deer, so I was talking with my daughter on the phone about the grandkids and Christmas. I was still watching for deer and studently I looked to my right and saw a deer come out and knew it was a buck, so I told my daughter to hold on that a buck had just came out. The buck was moving and had his nose on the ground like he was looking for a doe. When I got the gun up and saw him in the scope I knew he was a shooter but he turned and started to come right at me so I had no shot but then he turned a little to the right and so I took the shot and hit him right in the left shoulder, and he ran about 40 yards and piled up at the edge of the woods. I knew he was a good deer, but he was actually better than I thought he was as I didn't have a lot of time to look at him as he was moving at about 90 yards.
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