

Shrimp Boat Sharks

For millions of years, sharks roamed the worldʼs oceans and were the undisputed kings — the grizzly bears of the sea. That is, until man came on the scene. Well-meaning folks in natural-resource management labeled sharks an underutilized species, stimulating the development of large-scale commercial fisheries. The novel and movie, “Jaws,” drove us out of…

Tidal Rip Redfish

In the late 1990s, fishing guides targeting sharks and tarpon during the early autumn started catching redfish in the waters off the southern end of St. Simons Island — big redfish, some of which pushed record size. These anglers were working the area between Gouldʼs Inlet and the shipping channel leading into the St. Simons…

September Redfish In The Georgia Marsh — Canoe Style

There’s a “new” kind of fishing fever that’s beginning to accelerate off the Georgia coast, and it makes fishing a whole lot simpler. For hundreds of years, anglers have been setting their hooks on a variety of fish while fishing from a canoe. However, it has just been in the last several years that some modern-day anglers are beginning to see the canoe as…

Altamaha Sound Seatrout

As an outdoorsman, one of the most appealing things to me about outdoor activities is the beauty of nature. While the sport of fishing itself has its obvious rewards, the experience is greatly enhanced by the sheer splendor of the environment. There are many beautiful locations around the state of Georgia, but one of the…

Fishing Georgia Nearshore Reefs

The bright yellow buoys that mark Georgia’s offshore artificial reefs are a familiar and welcome sight to anglers who venture into the wide expanse of the open Atlantic Ocean. Despite the confidence we place in our GPS, there is something comforting about seeing a buoy right where your navigation electronics said it would be. Not…

Wade For Redfish

The tide on the outer bar was going to top out around 7:15 p.m. at a height of about 8.1 feet. The water wouldn’t hit the high mark on the marsh at my spot until about 8:00 p.m. Plenty of time to get in a day’s work, yet still have a couple of hours to…

Fun With Barracuda Using Spanish For Bait

Next to the shark, few denizens of the deep inspire as much fear and loathing as do barracuda. Like sharks, they have done little to deserve their reputation. Looking like a freshwater pike on steroids, the barracuda can make short work of other fishes, particularly those struggling on a hook. It’s this nasty habit of…

Record Wahoo Worth $100,000

When Michael Stefanick finally got the fish to the boat, he knew it was good one. But he didn’t know the 123-lb., 3-oz. wahoo would be a new state record and worth $100,000. Michael was fishing with four friends in the 3-day Bull River Yacht Club Billfish Tournament on June 24, when they hooked the…

15-Year-Old Breaks Georgia Wahoo State Record

On May 22, on an 80-mile run off St. Simons to the Gulf Stream, Fred McGinty and the crew of the Dunn Workin’ hooked the biggest wahoo any of them had ever seen, and it was Fred’s 15-year-old son Ty who was manning the rods at the time. On shore the fish weighed in at…

Golden Isles Tarpon Fishing

The tarpon fishing off the Georgia coast is fantastic during the summer months. Capt. Mark Nobles of Golden Isles Charter Fishing Association took GON-TV out on July 9, 1999, for an exciting day catching tarpon and shark. This segment originally aired nationally on The Outdoor Channel and dozens of local Georgia television stations as Episode…

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