

Quest For Oxbow

It was late January, 2016 as I stepped out of my truck and unloaded my Artic Cat 4-wheeler to head deep into the Wilkinson County river swamp in hopes of stalking a hog since deer season was out. I was given permission to hunt this piece of property that had just changed hands in a…

A Purposeful Pattern For Killing Mature Bucks

They say one of the hardest things to do in sports is to hit a 90 mph fastball. The equivalent in outdoor sports would be to kill a mature whitetail buck with a bow and arrow. As challenging and difficult as that is, bagging a trophy big enough to qualify for the bowhunting record books…

Youth Big-Buck Contest 2018 Shoot-Out Qualifiers

Twelve youth will be shooting BBs to see who wins a $3,000 shopping spree from Adventure Outdoors in the GON Youth Big-Buck contest Shoot-Out on Friday, July 27 at the Outdoor Blast. The winning youth will also win a deer and hog hunt from our good friends at Woods-N-Water in Wrightsville. All 12 of our…

Jenkins County Buck For Ted Turner III

By Ted Turner III I had not been free to hunt much over the last several years. I have a few photos of this buck from trail cams, but all of the photos came from after shooting hours. Even though the buck was nocturnal, at every free opportunity I had, I made my way to…

How The Weeks Were Won: Truck-Buck 2017-2018 Season

Another Georgia deer hunter will soon drive away from the Outdoor Blast in a new pickup truck after GON’s Truck-Buck Shoot-Out. We met the first half of the 2018 Shoot-Out field last month in the June issue of GON. This month we meet the winners from Weeks 9 through 17, plus our Runner-Up and Ladies…

Georgia DNR Passes Deer Baiting Proposal

The DNR Board this morning voted to approve a DNR proposal that legalizes hunting deer over supplemental feed with no distance restriction on all private land in Georgia. The new regulation will be in effect for this coming 2018-2019 deer season in Georgia. The DNR voted specifically to move the Northern Zone line to include…

DNR Set To Settle Georgia Deer Baiting Issue

An executive order signed by Gov. Nathan Deal in April took the Northern Zone deer baiting hot potato away from the state legislature and handed it to DNR. Now the Board is preparing to act on a DNR proposal that makes hunting deer over bait with no distance restriction legal for all private-land hunters in…

Nick Mundt’s 3-Yard Shot On Mule Deer

If you’re one of those bowhunters who has trouble judging long-distance yardage, which often results in a miss, there is something you could try. Get closer! Nick Mundt, of Michael Waddell’s Bone Collector, stalked within 3 yards of a mule deer before getting an on-camera shot for Bone Collector TV. Thanks to the amazing footage, the Bone…

Last Season’s Big Bucks Honored

The Georgia woods surrendered some very fine bucks in 2017, and the top-scoring bucks were recognized recently at the Georgia Outdoor Writers Association (GOWA) meeting in Blue Ridge at Mercier Orchards. The Georgia DNR Big Deer Contest is the state’s longest running big deer contest (started in 1968) and is administered by DNR retired biologist…

“Vampire Buck” From Floyd County

Jimmy Garrett was hunting on private land in Floyd County near Rome when he shot a seemingly normal deer. It was the morning of Dec. 4, and Jimmy was hunting OTG — on the ground. At around 8:30 a.m., Jimmy spotted a buck about 65 yards away and shot it with his Marlin 30/30. It would…

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