

Cedar Creek Buck Confiscated, Hunter Bought License After Kill

UPDATED Oct. 10, 6 p.m. The 154-inch Cedar Creek WMA buck that was reportedly killed on Saturday, Sept. 22 by Alan Rudolph, of Eatonton, was confiscated earlier today after a joint agency investigation between Georgia DNR Law Enforcement and the U.S. Forest Service on charges of hunting without a license. Rudolph told GON in a story…

Smoke Yourself For Deer Cover Scent

Most whitetail hunters recognize that the single greatest obstacle in whitetail hunting is fooling a deer’s nose.  Like many, I rely heavily on the wind direction and well-planned entry and exit routes to try and not spook deer. However, this is not foolproof. The terrain in Georgia is highly conducive to swirling wind, and deer…

Georgia Counties Ranked For Big Bucks 2018

How does Fulton County produce two Fab 40 bucks last season, yet still see one of the sharpest drops in big-buck production of any county in the state? Fulton County fell from the No. 4 county in the state last year with a score of 153 down to No. 6 with a score of 116…

Bow Season Reports From The Deer Woods

Safe to say that this bow season started red hot for every single deer hunter who ventured to a stand—if not for seeing deer, certainly for the temperatures and humidity. It was brutal!  Yet, despite the heat, we had possibly the best start to a Georgia archery season ever. There have been record-class bow-bucks hanging…

193-Inch Oconee National Forest Buck Surfaces

On Dec. 8, 1985, David Coppenger, 22 at the time, killed a main-frame 12-pointer from the Oconee National Forest in Jasper County that also had 15 kicker points and grossed 192 7/8 inches. “Ever since I was a little kid, I used to hunt. I would hunt rabbits and squirrels when I was in elementary school,”…

2018 Georgia Rut Map

I killed my best Georgia whitetail on Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. According to GON’s Rut Map, it was time to be in the woods. The Rut Map didn’t lie.  When I pulled the trigger about 9 a.m., it was deer No. 11 that I’d seen—and buck No. 5. For a little ol’ timber lease with…

QDMA Field To Fork Program Expands

Field to Fork, a hunter recruitment program for adults from non-hunting backgrounds, is expanding into seven new states this year after two successful seasons of pilot testing near QDMA Headquarters in Georgia. Of 22 adult participants in the pilot program, 80 percent have continued to hunt on their own within the first year after participation…

2018 Georgia Bowhunting WMA Special

Michael Davidson, of Bethlehem, was up a tree on Oct. 3 at Cedar Creek WMA in Jones County. He was looking out over a grown-up field full of tall grasses when a 9-pointer showed up. “He came out of some thick stuff into that little field, and 47 yards was as close as he would…

Georgia’s Best Bow Bucks For 2017-18 Season

Georgia seems to be in a rut, of sorts, when it comes to the number of record-class bow-killed deer that are being taken each season. Last year’s 53 bucks sits right on average when you consider that since the 2013 season, bow-kills have averaged 53.8 deer per year. For the 2007-2012 seasons, bowhunters averaged 69.3…

Wounded Warrior Retreat Hunt Dates Set

Wounded Warrior Retreats (WWR) will once again be hosting deer hunts at Come Away Plantation in Warren County. They will be offering hunts Nov. 1-3 , 5-7, 8-10, 15-17; Dec. 26.-Jan. 2. “Wounded Warrior Retreat is like no place I have ever been to,” said Danny Dickey, a retired disabled combat veteran with the U.S. Army. “It…

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