

Piedmont NWR Turns 50

Fifty years ago, the land that is now Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge was essentially a desert. Cleared by settlers in the 1800s, the land had been transformed from forest into massive cotton farms. Crop after crop of cotton finally wore the land out, and by the 1870 about half the farms in the area had…

1988 Georgia Deer Season’s First Boone & Crockett

For Wade Patterson, 16, of Omega, a community just south of Tifton, the morning of Nov. 21 will certainly go down as the best deer hunting morning of his life. That Monday morning, Wade, his father and his friend Jeff Hartsfield slipped into the woods to do a little hunting before school on this father’s…

Laurens County Buck From 1988

Phillip Flanders, of Adrian, has taken what is easily one of the best bucks to come out of Laurens County in some time. He had seen this deer the day before, but he couldn’t get a shot. So the next morning, he had moved his stand down into the bottom where the deer were passing.…

Jones County Bow-Kill Scores 186 Inches

If there is any truth to the line about 10 percent of the hunters killing 90 percent of the big bucks, then Wallace Reeves is one of those in the top 10 percent. Wallace, who owns Wallace Printing Co. in Tucker, kills bucks—big bucks—consistently. Overall, he has killed 30 bucks, 8-point or better, with a…

26-Point Piedmont NWR Freak

When David Studdard of Lafayette stumbled out of the Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge woods Oct.29 and excitedly stammered to his hunting buddy that he had killed a deer with 13 points on each side, and to top it off, the non-typical rack was still in velvet, his friend looked at him and said ” Oh…

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