

Thieves Steal Stands From Wounded-Veterans Group

A $1,000 reward is being offered with hopes to catch the lowlifes who stole five deer stands in Crawford County from a group that puts on hunts for wounded veterans. The stands were stolen near Lizella from the non-profit group Americans Helping Wounded Veterans—which uses 100 percent of all funds to put on hunts, with…

1962 Booner

On an early September morning in 1962, Earl Williams and Billy Waits slipped Williams’ 12-foot aluminum boat into the Ocmulgee River at Macon and headed upriver to do some squirrel hunting. As the men neared Georgia Power’s Plant Arkwright, located along the western edge of the river, Earl turned the boat sharply to the right…

Woods-N-Water Dream Hunt Magic

Editor’s Note: Luke Roberts, 16, of Martin, was the 2012 winner of GON’s Youth Big-Buck Contest. He collected his grand prize in October when he went deer hunting with the fine folks at Woods-N-Water outfitters in Johnson County. Luke scored on a nice buck and sent GON the following diary. Oct. 17, 2013: We arrived…

The Real Skinny On Shooting Cull Bucks

So, you’ve made managing your deer herd on your beloved piece of hunting property a priority. You read everything you can get your hands on about deer management. You’ve attended deer-management seminars. You plant high-protein food plots. You kill does as recommended to get your buck-to-doe ratio closer to the desired balance. You take the…

Hunting For The Cure Takes Eight Kids Deer Hunting

“The results have come back from the lab, and it is cancer.” Those are words no person ever wants to hear. The fear and anxiety that it brings begins a difficult journey of fighting daily to overcome a potentially deadly disease, as well as fighting those fears. It’s one thing to hear that you have…

Oconee National Forest 170-inch GIANT

With WMA and other public-land hunts happening all over the state this month, it should encourage hunters to remember the old deer-hunting adage, "You never know what may show up during the rut." If anyone believes this saying, it’s Chip Johnson, of Milledgeville. While hunting on Oconee National Forest property in Putnam County on Nov.…

Rutting Bucks Showing Up

The first week of November is always exciting around the GON office as reports of rut-crazed bucks out and about pick up noticeably. One GON subscriber said he was hunting on Sunday evening and watched a nice buck run a doe so hard in a clearcut that it finally sat down and put its head…

WRD Seeks Input On Next Decade of Deer Hunting

As emotions among Georgia’s deer hunters are likely at an all-time high, WRD is gearing up for a series of 10 public meetings that will shape your deer hunting over the next decade. WRD announced Oct. 29 they are giving hunters the chance to participate in “Georgia’s 10-year Deer Management Plan” and weigh in on…

Jeff Foxworthy’s 175-inch Bow-Kill

It’s been an emotional time for Jeff Foxworthy and the crew at his Harris County farm. There was elation for everyone when on Sept. 25 Jeff arrowed a freak of a buck, a main-frame 4×5 with a couple of sticker points that’s been taped at 175 total inches. The emotional release after a free-range buck…

The David Saville Story

To most young men who have an inherent zest for life, being born with Down syndrome would be considered a huge handicap. To 22-year-old David Saville, of Norcross, it’s been almost a blessing. Instead of slowing him down and restricting his life, it has opened doors and made him more determined than ever to seize…

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