TreeLounger Brings Back Old Favorite
Steve | November 7, 2018
Bob and Margeret Hice designed, manufactured and marketed a uniquely safe and comfortable climbing tree stand—the TreeLounge—from their home near Cumming.
The Hices made a good living, had a lot of fun, and made a lot of hunters happy. When Father Time took Bob away from us, Margaret carried on the TreeLounge business for some time, but eventually she sold the company.
The new owners struggled, moved manufacturing oversees, and eventually closed up shop. It was a sad end to a Georgia company that made what may be the safest, most comfortable climbing stand I’ve ever sat in.

This new version of the TreeLounger is powder-coated, where the old original TreeLounge was shiny, extruded aluminum. If you add the Nest and the BowHunter platform to this base unit, you can stay all day in comfort.
Now, along comes Wayne Prince, a Cumming too-many-irons-in-the-fire entrepreneur who has adopted the concept, incorporated some nice changes and launched the new TreeLounger. He seems to be doing well.
To those of a certain age, the brand and concept are familiar. And to those of a different age, they may never have seen such a stand.
This design is extremely safe and very comfortable. There likely is not another design that bites the tree any better than the TreeLounger. While it is never safe to go to sleep in any tree stand, many have nodded off in a Treelounge and lived to tell the tale. The stands are so comfortable that they often are seen around the campsite as just places to relax during the off-season—a sort of deer hunter’s hammock.
If you are not familiar with this Made-in-the-USA stand, GON has a short video at of Wayne demonstrating the stand, and more information is available at
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