Product Spotlight: LockedOn 360 Mobile Gun Vise
GON Staff | October 29, 2024

The LockedOn 360º has “mobile” in its name for good reason. Here, the gun vise is attached to the rail of a shooting house and used with a crossbow by a young lady.
One of the biggest mistakes made when introducing youngsters to shooting is giving them too much gun too early. Though seldom done on purpose, giving a kid a heavy recoil rifle can cause flinching issues for life. However, young shooters must eventually go up to larger calibers if they want to graduate to a big game. As such, the LockedOn 360º Mobile Gun Vise is an excellent tool both in and out of the deer stand.
The LockedOn 360º provides a safe method for holding a rifle in a deer stand while also providing full motion for staying on moving game. Additionally, the LockedOn 360º reduces felt recoil, allowing shooters to concentrate hitting on the target rather than the upcoming thump on the shoulder.
“There are enough factors regarding accurate shooting, and recoil shouldn’t be one of them, especially for kids,” said Jay Harman, creator of the LockedOn 360º Mobile Gun Vise. “More importantly, the Mobile Gun Vise securely holds the firearm in a way when properly used so it can help prevent it from being dropped or mishandled.”
The LockedOn 360º can be mounted on wood-rail hunting stands via the Permanent Base and Post, or to stands with metal rails using the universal V-Block (up to 1-inch square or round railings). Once mounted, a rifle, shotgun, some pistols and many crossbows can be locked into the vise, which can be set to be motionless or to provide 360 degrees of motion via two rotational knobs. The Mobile Gun Vise can be mounted to the rails of ATVs, providing a secure, recoil-reducing gun rest for sighting in anywhere with a safe backstop.
The future of hunting and shooting is with the next generation, but only if the experience is safe, comfortable and rewarding.
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