Load Reels Quickly With This Inexpensive Line Spooler
GON Staff | February 3, 2016
You know the drill. You’re going fishing in the morning and suddenly you remember that you had better put some new line on your reels.
It’s time for that out-of-control spool of line to go spinning off the kitchen table, or if you’re lucky, you find one of your kids to stick a pencil through the middle of the spool as they gripe while you transfer the line to your reel
Not any more. Quickly and easily load your spinning and baitcasting reels with the compact, easy-to-use Berkley Portable Line Spooler. The spool and reel are held vertically, which leads to no line twist. The spring-loaded spool line tensioning keeps line tight. Use an electric drill to power the spooler, or use the reel handle. It holds up to a 1/4-lb. spool and has a quick-release reel system. The Berkley Portable Line Spooler sells for just $29.99 at Cabela’s.
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