

Latest Georgia Coyote Attack Happens In Metro Atlanta

The latest coyote attack to take place in Georgia happened earlier this week as a Roswell jogger was out for his morning run. “It was 6:20 in the morning, it was still pretty dark out,” said Bill Goff, a resident in the area of Plantation Way and Lake Charles Drive in the north Atlanta suburbs. The coyote attacked…

Tournament Reports March 2017

After a long day of running up and down Lake Eufaula and fighting for every bite and bass in the livewell, first place ended up in a tie—exact weights down the hundredth of an ounce! In a tie for first place with 16.53 pounds were the Mount Paran Christian School team of Carter Zoza and…

South Georgia WMA Giant Shows At Truck-Buck Tifton Scoring

When a deer grossing in the upper 160s shows up at a GON Truck-Buck scoring event, drool forms on the mouths of most hunters standing nearby. However, when you tell them that the buck came from a Georgia WMA, jaws drop, and the antlers become an immediate conversation starter. Will Matchett, of Hawthorne, Fla., spent…

Hey Now… GON’s 30!

A lot has changed in this crazy world since Steve Burch ran with his idea for a timely, relevant, local hunting and fishing publication that would be a voice for sportsmen. Leading a staff who tried harder, worked longer and simply refused to quit, Steve’s vision this month marks 30 years of publishing for Georgia…

Bike Collision With Bear Caused Mauling Death Of Forest Service Officer

A U.S. Forest Service review board released details of its investigation into a grizzly bear attack that killed Brad Treat on June 29, 2016. Mr. Treat, a U.S. Forest Service law enforcement officer, was off duty and riding the Green Gate Trails in the Flathead National Forest in Montana with a friend when the attack…

2017 Georgia Legislative Session: House Passes License Fee Increase

Today, March 3, is Crossover Day at the Georgia state capitol. This is the last day for a piece of legislation to pass the chamber in which it was introduced for it to be considered by the other chamber. Any legislation that doesn’t get voted on and approved by either the state House or state Senate is dead…

Coastal Georgia Buck Scored As Charlton County’s No. 2

This past deer season, Greg Boatright, of Patterson, harvested the No. 2 buck of all-time for coastal Georgia’s Charlton County. Greg killed the buck on Oct. 22, 2016, and it has now been officially scored at 149 2/8 inches. “My girlfriend and I went hunting on opening morning and got in the tree stand before daylight,” said Greg.…

Game Check Improvement Starts By Turkey Opener

WRD’s Game Check will receive a partial face-lift prior to Georgia’s spring gobbler season, a change that will help streamline the “Recording” and “Reporting” process for hunters who use DNR’s smartphone app “Outdoors Georgia.” This change will carry over into the 2017-18 deer season and be a welcome assistance to hunters wishing to drop their…

Record Allatoona Blue Catfish

After having no luck catching bait the morning of Feb. 2 and having to use bait that had been on ice for two days, Jake Herman, of Acworth, finally got that one special bite and reeled in a 43-lb., 9.6-oz. Lake Allatoona blue catfish. Jake’s blue catfish broke the existing Allatoona record by more than 7 1/2 pounds.…

Best Georgia Turkey Hatch Since 2011

Turkey hunters should expect to hear more of those half-gobbling jakes rattling the woods this spring, according to WRD’s annual poult survey. In fact, with a statewide average of “1.7 poults/hen,” it’s the best hatch success WRD has recorded since 2011. “I’m certainly glad to see poult numbers up again this year,” said GON turkey freelance…