Turkey Hunting
2025 Turkey Seasons
Kids, Mobility Impaired: March 22-23
Private-Land: March 29 – May 15
Public-Land: April 5 – May 15
* Two gobbler per season limit; one-gobbler-per-day restriction.
As the sights and sounds of spring fill the mountains and valleys of north Georgia, turkeys are gobbling, and opening day left some hunters happy, while it left others hungry for more time in the woods. While many things are different about hunting gobblers in the mountains as opposed to the flatter land of central…
Five turkeys — four longbeards and a jake — hit the dirt opening day, thanks to a youth turkey hunt outside of Eatonton. Hosted by Crossroads Baptist Church and God’s Great Outdoors Ministries, the Youth Turkey Hunt hosted 24 young turkey hunters for opening weekend. Many of the young, camo-clad hunters said the birds were…
Out of all the gear the average turkey hunter packs in his vest or backpack, there is a very good chance the most valuable and overlooked tool remains stashed away in a closet waiting for deer season — the trail camera. For 10 years I have used trail cameras religiously for deer, but three years…
I’ve not missed an opening day of turkey season in Putnam County in more than 30 years. It’s the day real turkey hunters look forward to more than any other. We normally start to anticipate this day about dark on the last day of turkey season. I don’t say this to be funny; I’m dead…
Opening morning of the 2009 turkey season had arrived, and I couldn’t think of a time when I was more eager to start the season. I had scouted the area I would be hunting a couple of days earlier and had found four mature gobblers and a wad of hens roosting on the edge of…
Turkey hunting in general is tough, even for a seasoned veteran. But, turkey hunting toward the end of the season on can be down-right tough. As if turkeys aren’t hard enough to kill without a bunch of other folks educating them on what hunters sound and look like, turkeys have had all season to compare…
Pictures of happy hunters with their gobblers have been pouring in at the GON office, yet statewide reports on this turkey season are mixed at best. The toms have been fired up one day, and then the next day they might gobble only a few times from the roost, if at all. With a few…
Where does the money go? NWTF staff and board members frequently get that question from folks attending banquets across the state, and it’s a valid question. I’m always happy to report that a majority — usually upwards of 90 percent of the money raised by our volunteers — is turned around and put directly back…
“What’cha doing Saturday morning?” Mark asked. “I don’t know,” I replied. “Nothing, I guess. Why?” “Want to go turkey hunting with me?” “Turkey hunting? “Yeah, turkey hunting!” “Man, I don’t know nothing ’bout no turkey hunting.” “Well, I don’t know much myself, but I’ll show you what I do know.” “Yeah, but it’s March.” “I…
“Bringing it Back to the Camp” is the theme for this year’s eighth-annual Country Goes Huntin’ (CGH) event scheduled for March 29-April 1 in Blakely. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a decade since the co-founders of CGH, professional hunter Sam Klement and country artist/songwriter Rhett Akins, held their very first CGH non-profit event.…
Turkey Recipes
Crockpot Crispy Wild Turkey 1 whole turkey I pound butter divided in half 1 tbsp thyme 1 tbsp rosemary 1 tbsp salt 1 tbsp black pepper Pat the turkey dry with one or two sheets of paper towel. Slather the entire turkey with half the butter. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with thyme and rosemary.…
Peanut Butter Wild Turkey I must admit that I was apprehensive when a friend asked me to try his newly discovered dish. Once he showed me the ingredients, I realized it was a take on a popular Oriental chicken dish. And it is wonderful! 1 turkey breast 2 tbsp salt 2 tbsp white sugar 2…
Turkey Stuffed Bell Peppers 6 bell peppers 1/2- to 3/4-lb. dark-meat turkey 1 diced onion 3 cloves minced garlic 15-oz. can diced tomatoes 1 cup frozen whole-kernel corn 1 cup cooked white rice Shredded Pepper Jack cheese 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 Tbsp salt 1 Tbsp black pepper Choose bell peppers that will stand up…