Turkey Hunting
2025 Turkey Seasons
Kids, Mobility Impaired: March 22-23
Private-Land: March 29 – May 15
Public-Land: April 5 – May 15
* Two gobbler per season limit; one-gobbler-per-day restriction.
The 2025 Special Opportunity turkey season will be March 22-23. This weekend is only for youth 16 years of age or younger and mobility impaired persons. This season does not apply to public lands unless otherwise specified. Included here are some images of happy young hunters who found success in the Georgia woods last turkey…
I picked up the small tube call sitting beside me and threw a couple of yelps down into the steep, hardwood bottom below. I thought it sounded pretty good and apparently so did the three north Georgia gobblers that showed up not too long after. It was all new to me then, and the resources…
Georgia turkey hunters are fixing to enter year No. 4 with a shorter turkey season and a bag limit of two toms, down from a three-bird limit prior to the 2022 season. WMA hunters continue to find themselves with a short window to roll a gobbler, not being allowed to hunt until one week after…
The whole thing kind of started by accident. It was a clear, starry night in mid January, and we were looking up at the planets in the night sky. My family was sitting around the big fire pit at the Home Place drinking hot chocolate and coffee, everybody except for my oldest brother Matty, that…
On a cool, crisp November morning in 1972, a father and his two sons patiently follow two fine setters as they skirt the bottom edge of a tall pine ridge in northern Ben Hill County. As the older of the two dogs comes to a screeching halt, the younger dog knows to follow suit, and…
Duncan Dobie’s new book, “A Thousand Distant Gobbles, Turkey Tales from the Heart,” is just off the press. The book contains eight short stories and eight separate turkey hunting tales that will warm your heart and take you on an unforgettable adventure into the Georgia turkey woods. Seven of the stories have previously appeared in…
By Blake Hamby Me, my wife, my son Hoke and my youngest son all went over to some private land I have permission on. On the ride over, my youngest son fell asleep, so my wife elected to stay in the truck with him so we could go do our thing. So Hoke and I…
The 2024 GON Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast is in the books, and so is the Pistol Creek Outdoors sponsored Yonah Invitational Grand National Qualifier turkey calling contest. This marked the fourth year for the NWTF sanctioned event, and it was nothing short of spectacular. The event has gone from one that was filled with hope of…
Although Georgia’s turkey season ended more than two weeks ago, it’s still newsworthy when we talk to a guy who killed a gobbler with a 16-inch beard. Milledgeville’s Bobby Day was just about to put an end to his frustration and give up on his morning turkey hunt. The hunting club where he hunts in…
If it comes as a surprise that an annual onion harvest could spawn a week-long festival that has spanned 47 years, you’ve probably never tasted the sweet goodness of a true Vidalia. The 2024 Vidalia Onion Festival was held April 25-28 and featured live music, vendors, rodeo and fantastic food—onions included. The grand finale was…
Turkey Recipes
Whiskey-Glazed Wild Turkey • 1 wild turkey breast • 1/4 cup whiskey • 1/2 stick butter • Salt and pepper • 1 cup chicken stock • 3 tablespoons honey • 2 tablespoons orange juice Remove the turkey breast leaving the skin on. Make a brine from 1 cup of salt to one gallon of water.…
When I saw someone showing how to spatchcock a turkey on the show “Man. Fire. Food,” it made perfect sense. You simply take poultry shears to a whole bird and cut out the backbone and toss it away. You then flip the bird over, push hard with the palm of your hand to flatten it.…
Are you looking for a break from frying that wild turkey? I tried this last year, and it was incredible. Brining makes the turkey juicy. The stuffing makes the turkey incredibly flavorful. 1 large turkey, brined 1 red apple, chopped 1 stalk celery, chopped 1 red onion, quartered 6 red potatoes, quartered 3 large carrots,…