Turkey Hunting
2025 Turkey Seasons
Kids, Mobility Impaired: March 22-23
Private-Land: March 29 – May 15
Public-Land: April 5 – May 15
* Two gobbler per season limit; one-gobbler-per-day restriction.
Retired four-star Gen. Dan McNeill came down the opening weekend of turkey season to hunt with renowned turkey hunter Claibourne Darden at his Taliaferro County farm. This is the location where Darden hosts the annual SEEDS Dove Shoot each September. Darden and McNeill have been friends for a number of years. In fact, Darden convinced…
By Pat Womack This hunting adventure all started when I met John Seabolt after becoming a police officer in Covington in 1995. During my first couple of years there, I’d heard the guys talking about turkey hunting, and I was clueless because I had never been. I would listen to their stories and mishaps in…
Heath Williams, of Augusta, killed two record-book turkeys on April 3 in Burke County. Little did Heath know at the time, but some new property he got permission to hunt on just days before would lead not only to killing his first turkey in Georgia, but also to killing the No. 2 and No. 3…
Regardless of the weather, turkeys will do their springtime rituals, and you can bet turkey hunters will be hunting them hard. As usual, GON has received lots of pictures, and in this month’s coverage we focused on showing off the kids. Look for more turkey pics in upcoming issues of GON. Here are the opening-weekend…
When I started hunting turkeys, I was under the impression that jake turkeys were a meek-and-mild bunch. I assumed they slipped along in the cool shadows of the spring woods not really wanting to be noticed, especially by a dominant gobbler. I was just two days into my second season of turkey hunting when I…
The hunt was approaching the 10-hour mark, and I hadn’t heard a gobble since 7 that morning. I was tired and began to wonder how much longer I could stand it. Yet, I maintained my focus and fully believed a gobbler would still show up in the roadbed in front of me that was a…
Each spring, GON likes to inspire hunters who can’t wait for the upcoming turkey season—as if we need any additional teasing—by looking back at exceptional Georgia gobblers that have made the record books. Some fantastic birds were taken last year that re-wrote the Georgia records, but it was a 2014 southeast Georgia bird finally certified…
By the time the season was winding down last year, I found myself wondering not how many birds had died over the course of the Georgia season, but rather how many had survived it. According to WRD, I, along with 52,406 other turkey hunters hit the woods last spring, and 26,000 turkeys ending up leaving…
On the night of April 10, 2014, I fell asleep dreaming of my hunt planned for the following morning. The day before I had just killed my first double-bearded gobbler, and I was planning to return to the same area to call for the other gobbler I knew was still there. The morning came early…
I have been fussed at by more than one or two clients over the years because of my tendency to walk too fast or too far in the turkey woods. However, there are times when a quicker pace or a longer walk is needed to reach the goal of getting a turkey to ride home…
Turkey Recipes
Crockpot Crispy Wild Turkey 1 whole turkey I pound butter divided in half 1 tbsp thyme 1 tbsp rosemary 1 tbsp salt 1 tbsp black pepper Pat the turkey dry with one or two sheets of paper towel. Slather the entire turkey with half the butter. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with thyme and rosemary.…
Peanut Butter Wild Turkey I must admit that I was apprehensive when a friend asked me to try his newly discovered dish. Once he showed me the ingredients, I realized it was a take on a popular Oriental chicken dish. And it is wonderful! 1 turkey breast 2 tbsp salt 2 tbsp white sugar 2…
Turkey Stuffed Bell Peppers 6 bell peppers 1/2- to 3/4-lb. dark-meat turkey 1 diced onion 3 cloves minced garlic 15-oz. can diced tomatoes 1 cup frozen whole-kernel corn 1 cup cooked white rice Shredded Pepper Jack cheese 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 Tbsp salt 1 Tbsp black pepper Choose bell peppers that will stand up…