
Quail Hunting

Noontootla Creek Trophy Trout And Quail

We were walking a waist-high field of cover frozen hard by the winter’s first real cold front behind an energetic French continental pointer. Baylee, a Braque Du Bourbonnais the other guides jokingly called a French poodle, was doing his job, methodically working one section of the tall grass and briars with his nose, seeking out…

Apply Now for Youth/Adult Quail Hunts

One of Georgia’s greatest outdoor traditions, hunting wild bobwhite quail, is becoming very difficult. A generation of young hunters is growing up with no knowledge of the quail-hunting legacy of our state. This season, several youngsters will get the chance to hunt some of Georgia’s best remaining quail habitat through the Bobwhite Quail Initiative (BQI)…

Manage For Small Game Hunting

Georgia hunters are blessed to have a long deer season. There aren’t many states with four months on the calendar where one can chase bucks across the state’s widely varied landscape. Another thing we are blessed with in Georgia is an abundance of small-game hunting opportunities. And if you don’t believe folks are doing it,…

Kids Can Apply For Bobwhite Quail Initiative Quota Hunts

WRD’s Bobwhite Quail Initiative (BQI) is offering a unique opportunity to hunt some private farm land with awesome quail habitat. Youth and adults alike will get the chance to see how wild quail react when flushed. It’s bound to be great fun for all parties involved. The BQI is a program promoting the increase and…

Saving Georgia’s Quail

When my best friend and I were just a couple of years out of college, one of our favorite pastimes, outside of hunting and fishing, was talking to old men. Their stories were timeless. Real-life memories of what life was like in our town when they were young were fascinating, and hunting stories were particularly…

Do-It-Yourself Bird Dogs For Quail Hunting

There are plenty of opportunities in Georgia for quail hunters to hit the fields with a dog — especially if you want to hunt with someone else’s dog shooting someone else’s birds. It’s another kind of quail hunter that’s getting scarce, the fellow who owns and feeds his bird dogs himself and keeps them in…

Quail Hunting With Kate Blackburn

There is an annual January gathering in Sylvania that warms the heart, even if the temperatures have dropped and the weather has a sting. The quail fly better anyway when the weather has an edge, but no matter the climatic conditions, the hospitality is unsurpassed. Don Sheppard Jr., his brother, Stan, and his father, Don…

John Sale: When A Man Loves His Dogs

John Sale has had a lifelong love affair with hunting dogs. During the height of his career during the ʼ70s and ʼ80s, people used to kid about his amazing ability to train quality bird dogs. People would often say, “Why heʼs so good, he could even train a goat to point a covey of quail!”…

New Quail Tag, BQI Raises Big Money

A new Bobwhite Quail Initiative (BQI) license tag will be available at tag offices across the state beginning in December, 2003. The new tag depicts a white-tail buck standing in front of a covey of flushing quail. Proceeds from the sale of the tag are used to pay for the BQI program, a WRD effort…

DNR 2003 Proposed Budget Cuts Painful For Sportsmen

DNR Commissioner Lonice Barrett summed up the budget situation on August 19 when he told the DNR Board that meeting the latest ordered budget cuts had been like deciding “which one of your kids do you want to shoot?” With Georgiaʼs state-revenue outlook growing more dismal, Gov. Sonny Perdueʼs office issued orders to agencies in…

Quail Recipes

Wild In The Kitchen: Quail With Tomato Gravy

If you book a quail or deer hunt at Piney Woods Hunting Lodge in Eufaula, expect a breakfast fit for a king. This is the lodge’s signature dish. 3 lbs. quail breast filets 1 quart buttermilk No hindsight ip unit displayed. 4 cups self-rising flour 1 teaspoon garlic salt 2 teaspoons Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning…

Wild In The Kitchen: Bacon Wrapped Quail

I doubt seriously if you will ever be called upon to cook quail for 600 people like my friend Ron Chamblee and I do every February, but let me warn you that if you ever do, don’t even consider frying that much quail. We manage to feed everyone at the Ashville First Baptist Wild Game…


Wild Game Recipes: Hush Puppy Quail

If you have some quail in the freezer, get out the cooker and try this recipe. This recipe works great with dove, too. What You’ll Need: cleaned and dressed quail pepper jack cheese bacon beaten eggs breadcrumbs oil First, boil quail for three minutes in a pot of water. Debone the birds. Place a small…