Deer Hunting
Georgia 2024-2025 Deer Hunting Dates
Archery Sept. 14 - Oct. 11
Primitive Weapons/Youth Firearm Oct. 12-18
Firearms Oct. 19 - Jan. 12
Isaac Weeks was going behind his Jackson County house on July 1 to put out a trail cam over some corn when he stumbled upon a surprise. “I hadn’t made it far down in the woods at all, and I saw the skull sitting there,” said Isaac. “I know that wasn’t where the deer died…
It was late January, 2016 as I stepped out of my truck and unloaded my Artic Cat 4-wheeler to head deep into the Wilkinson County river swamp in hopes of stalking a hog since deer season was out. I was given permission to hunt this piece of property that had just changed hands in a…
They say one of the hardest things to do in sports is to hit a 90 mph fastball. The equivalent in outdoor sports would be to kill a mature whitetail buck with a bow and arrow. As challenging and difficult as that is, bagging a trophy big enough to qualify for the bowhunting record books…
Twelve youth will be shooting BBs to see who wins a $3,000 shopping spree from Adventure Outdoors in the GON Youth Big-Buck contest Shoot-Out on Friday, July 27 at the Outdoor Blast. The winning youth will also win a deer and hog hunt from our good friends at Woods-N-Water in Wrightsville. All 12 of our…
By Ted Turner III I had not been free to hunt much over the last several years. I have a few photos of this buck from trail cams, but all of the photos came from after shooting hours. Even though the buck was nocturnal, at every free opportunity I had, I made my way to…
Deer Hunting Resources
Georgia Rut Map
Venison Recipes
Ground Venison Christmas Stuffing If you are looking for a great side dish for your Christmas dinner, impress your family with this venison take on stuffing. 1 pound ground venison 1 stick butter 1 chopped zucchini 1 large onion, chopped 1 tbsp minced garlic 2 tbsp sour cream 1 can cream of mushroom soup…
Ground Venison Stuffed Mushrooms Most Georgia deer hunters have an ample supply of ground venison on hand. This is tasty way to utilize just a small portion of that ground venison, and it makes a great appetizer or snack. 16 large portabella mushrooms 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons red bell pepper 2 garlic cloves…
Juicy Lucy Venison Burgers The Juicy Lucy Burger originated in Minnesota, of all places, and is a matter of statewide pride. Here, the recipe has been adapted to the South by replacing ground beef with venison. Be sure to use venison with at least 20 percent beef fat for best results. This makes four burgers.…