
Deer Hunting

Georgia 2024-2025 Deer Hunting Dates

Archery Sept. 14 - Oct. 11

Primitive Weapons/Youth Firearm  Oct. 12-18

Firearms   Oct. 19 - Jan. 12

Late Season Deer Tips And Tactics

As I compile the reports from our excellent group of GON Hunt Advisors, I have my laptop computer in a deer stand for an evening hunt on Nov. 24. Hey, if you have to work this time of year, might as well do it from the deer stand if you can. We will start with…

December WMA Coastal Deer Hunts

December is without doubt one of my favorite times of the year. What’s not to love about Christmas lights, excited children, Santa Claus and most importantly the celebration of Christ’s birth? It truly is a magical time of year. For deer hunters though, especially those of us on the eastern side of the state, it’s…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – December 2019

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. If you live in rural Georgia or spend time in a hunt camp during the fall and winter, there are few parts…

Against All Odds, A Fulton County 165-Inch 12-Point Buck

The Atlanta suburbs strike again. Another bow-buck with a rack so wide and so tall that it just doesn’t seem possible deer get this big, much less in areas where ribbons and patches of woods are a tiny fraction of the landscape, where what little habitat there is gets squeezed and cut off more every…

19-Point, 188-Inch Velvet Freak With A Crossbow

“It’s a good one.” In the understatement of the season, that’s how Philip Holt began the conversation when he got a call from GON about an amazing buck he killed yesterday, Nov. 25, in Houston County. Philip was hunting with a crossbow on a small tract of land in the city limits of Centerville when…

Deer Hunting Resources

Georgia Rut Map

Venison Recipes

Wild In The Kitchen: Ground Venison Christmas Stuffing

  Ground Venison Christmas Stuffing If you are looking for a great side dish for your Christmas dinner, impress your family with this venison take on stuffing. 1 pound ground venison 1 stick butter 1 chopped zucchini 1 large onion, chopped 1 tbsp minced garlic 2 tbsp sour cream 1 can cream of mushroom soup…


Wild In The Kitchen: Ground Venison Stuffed Mushrooms

  Ground Venison Stuffed Mushrooms Most Georgia deer hunters have an ample supply of ground venison on hand. This is tasty way to utilize just a small portion of that ground venison, and it makes a great appetizer or snack. 16 large portabella mushrooms 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons red bell pepper 2 garlic cloves…


Wild In The Kitchen: Juicy Lucy Venison Burgers

Juicy Lucy Venison Burgers The Juicy Lucy Burger originated in Minnesota, of all places, and is a matter of statewide pride. Here, the recipe has been adapted to the South by replacing ground beef with venison. Be sure to use venison with at least 20 percent beef fat for best results. This makes four burgers.…