Flint River
The Flint River begins its journey south toward Lake Seminole with headwaters at the Atlanta airport. The Flint River is one of only 40 rivers in the nation to flow more than 200 miles unimpeded by dams or other manmade structures, the first dam being the Lake Blackshear dam about 15 miles upstream of Albany. The upper Flint as it flows through the Thomaston and Talbot County area offers a unique and very good fishery for shoal bass. The lower Flint flows through fertile farm country through Georgia's top big-buck counties, and below Lake Blackshear the Flint again offers great shoal bass fishing. At the Lake Seminole dam, the Flint River combines with other tributaries and forms the Apalachicola River below the dam.
Flint River Resources
Flint River Articles
Do me a favor. Get in your car and drive an hour in any direction. Then tell me what you see. Odds are you’ll hit some water somewhere along the way. We are blessed in the South to have an abundance of water. Sometimes we take for granted just how lucky we are. There are…
It really is a simple fishing lure. It doesn’t require a high degree of skill to make a fish eat one, and right now — with a strong postspawn bite happening on most Georgia waters — it can be one of the most productive and versatile weapons in your arsenal. It will catch bass…
There aren’t a whole lot of things better in this world than the smell of catfish sizzling in a pot of hot grease and a group of good friends waiting to devour them. I can already taste the tarter sauce on a fat catfish fillet, and I haven’t even wet a line yet. I could…
Hundreds of miles from the nearest rapid waters of north Georgia lies a stretch of the Flint River reminiscent of anything but south Georgia. Tall river banks and steep clay and rock walls tower high above some of the fastest-moving water south of the gnat line. When one thinks of south Georgia fishing, what normally…
Flint River Record Fish
Striped Bass | 48-lbs., 5-ozs. | John Hoffpauir Jr. | 05/20/83 |
Shoal Bass | 8-lbs., 3-ozs.* | David Hubbard | 10/77 |
Flathead Catfish | 43-lbs. | Tiff Thompson | 04/13/12 |
Longnose Gar | 28-lbs., 6-ozs. | Richard Johnson | 01/95 |
Shadow Bass | 10-ozs. | Kristen Brown | 06/01/16 |
Black Crappie | 2-lbs., 5.44-ozs. | Jerrod Brown | 03/04/21 |