
Bartletts Ferry

Bartletts Ferry, also known as Lake Harding, is a 5,850-acre reservoir on the Chattahoochee River north of Columbus and south of Lake West Point. The lake was built in 1926 and now owned by Georgia Power. Bartletts offers good fishing for spotted bass.

Bartletts Ferry Resources

Bartletts Ferry Fishing Report – February 2025

By GON Staff | January 29, 2025

Bartletts Ferry: Level: 1 foot below 521. Temp: Mid 40s. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Tournament angler Tyler Morgan, with Summerland Outdoors, reports, “At the end of January, it took only 9.5 pounds to win a local tournament. The water was very clear and unusually cold. Without a warming trend, fishing will be tough. Even with cold water, longer daylight means some bass start moving toward spawning areas as the month progresses. Concentrate on the outer one-third of coves in Halawakee Creek, it warms first. Your boat should be in 7 to 10 feet of water, and you are casting to more shallow water. Fish a red squarebill, like a Frittside, on rocks and around docks. Also, try a fire-claw JackHammer ChatterBait if the water has some stain, with 6-inch to 1-foot visibility. Docks hold bass in February, and the fish can be very shallow around them. Any brush helps and will…

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Bartletts Ferry Fishing Articles

Fall Pattern Yields Championship For UGA Anglers On Bartletts Ferry

Finally, the fall is here. Anglers across the South smile as they shake the dust off lightweight jackets and hoodies. No longer are we plagued by outrageous Southern summer heat. Instead we are greeted with chilly mornings and pleasant days out on the water. And the weather doesn’t go unnoticed by the aquatic object of…

Floating Worms In The Grass At Bartletts Ferry

Ask nine out of 10 anglers what the most effective cover for bass on Bartletts Ferry is, and you will hear a resounding, “Boat docks!” I asked tournament angler Derrick Millirons, of Seale, Ala., the same question as he slipped the trolling motor in a few yards from the boat ramp, and he gave the…

Bartletts Ferry Bass Tight To February Cover Near Deep Water

By now most bass fishermen have had enough of sitting at home staying warm and are ready to venture out and defeat cabin fever. Although there is hope for warming by the end of the month and bass will begin to feed more in response to longer days, they are not always easy to catch…

Beat the Heat For Bartletts Ferry Bass

Summer fishing can be a real challenge. Soaring daytime temperatures and warm nights escalate water surface temps and can shut bass down, making it difficult to catch a fish, let alone a winning tournament sack. Dennis Hudson of Fortson is a frequent Bartletts angler who has been fishing the lake for more than 30 years,…

Bowfishing Bartletts Ferry

I had the opportunity this month to go bowfishing. Having never had the chance to experience this sport, I was admittedly a little skeptical when I received the assignment. But I must admit I was intrigued to find out what this was all about. Fortunately I was going out with one of the most acknowledged…

Bartletts Ferry Records