Bucks, Ducks, And… Big Bass? You Bet
This can be the best time of year to catch a giant Georgia bass if you choose your trips correctly.
Walker Smith | January 1, 2025

Walker caught these two bass off the same dock ladder after roughly 30 repeated casts. After a miserably cold and rainy few weeks, it had warmed up for about three days, and this trip was on the third day of that warming trend. The fish were caught in 6 feet of water but were just a short swim from a 40-foot river channel.
I totally get it—it’s tough to get motivated to hook up the bass boat this time of year. It’s cold, the water likely looks like ketchup, and those runs across the lake can inject a chill into your bones that only a steaming-hot shower and maybe a bowl of Brunswick stew can fix.
But I want you to hear me out. Give me an honest chance to change your way of thinking about winter fishing.
While our other outdoor brethren are chasing those bucks and ducks, there are some absolute stud bass just waiting to get caught, and you can nearly have them all to yourself. Like many of you, I’ve fished my whole life, and I can honestly look you in the eye and tell you that the large majority of my biggest bass have been caught in January and February in the state of Georgia.
There are a lot of factors to the equation, but when everything lines up right, you can be grippin’ and grinnin’ while your buddies are trudging through the swamps and woods.
I’m going to break this down into a few different sections, and by the end of this piece, I’m confident you’ll have the knowledge necessary to have a January bass fishing trip to remember.
Rocks And Docks
When you launch your boat this time of year, it’s imperative to understand what type of cover to look for. Most fishing articles will tell you to look for “hard cover,” but what does that really mean? More specifically, you need to look for rocks and boat docks. Both play a pivotal role in the behavior, positioning and habitat of big winter bass.
My absolute favorite is rocky banks. You can target the proverbial low-hanging fruit of rip-rap on the sides of bridges, but I tend to steer away from the obvious targets like that. You’ll absolutely catch some fish, so if you’re just looking to get your line stretched, go for it. But if you can locate and selectively target more obscure rock cover, I’ve found the largest bass tend to congregate in those areas.
I reckon I can use this analogy with y’all because you’ll understand what I’m talking about. If you put 10 hay bales in a pasture, you’re going to have cows and bulls strewn all over the place. But if you put just one hay bale in that same pasture, all of the cattle will flock to that one food source. Bass are the same exact way; isolated cover is super attractive to them and tends to prevail over more prevalent cover in regards to trophy catches.

A 3/8-oz. jig is one of three January baits the author relies on for a big-bass bite. Watch your line, and if your bait feels “spongy,” set the hook.
There are a few spots on Lake Sinclair, which is my home lake, that will have maybe 15 feet of rip-rap on an otherwise natural bank. I’ll nose my boat in between two docks and make nearly a dozen casts at that small stretch of rock, and I’d bet you money I’ll get a bite from a big bass this time of year.
Why is that? The answer is simple: Rocks conduct and hold heat in cold weather. When the water temperatures are low, just a one- or two- degree increase in water temperature will attract big bass like a moth to a flame. Not only does the added warmth increase baitfish activity and things of the sort, but those big ol’ females are trying to warm their eggs before the upcoming spring spawn. It’s no accident they’re up there.
Now, if you start targeting rocks in the backs of pockets and creeks, you’re not going to have near the success you would if you focused on rocks on main-river stretches. The key to this is proximity to deep water. These bass can slide down the water column when a pesky cold front hits but can just as easily slide shallow when a rare warming trend occurs. So there’s not much need for a bunch of twists and turns as you drive your bass boat around Georgia lakes this month. Focus on main-lake or main-river rock, and I bet you’ll have a chance at an impressive bass.
The second type of bass-fishing cover I favor this time of year is boat docks. Before you roll your eyes and think of the seemingly millions of docks on your home lake, make a concerted effort to focus on the “right” docks. Just like we just talked about with the rock situation, you don’t need to be fishing docks in knee-deep water in the backs of short pockets; save that for a few months from now.

Walker’s preferred lure in the winter is a flat-sided crankbait like these favorites: (left to right) Rapala DT6, SPRO Little John 50 and SPRO Little John 50.
I like to look for docks with some sort of irregularity on them this time of year, located toward the mouth of a short pocket with lots of midday sun. Every little pocket is different, but let’s focus on the first two or three docks leading into these pockets. Irregularities can be anything from swimming ladders, a metal boat lift post (a big-time heat conductor) or a small stick next to a dock. If it looks like it doesn’t belong, you need to make about 15 repeat casts at that piece of cover before moving on.
It’s important to remember that these winter bass don’t always eat because they’re hungry. They’re up in the relatively shallow cover due to biological reasons, and they most likely don’t want much to do with your bait. But the trick is to tick them off. If I put my pointer finger in front of your eyeball for a few minutes, you’d eventually get irritated and swat it away, right? I know I would.
Big winter bass do the same thing. But it’s sure hard to swat at something with a hook and not get caught. I think you get my drift. It’s all about an instinctive reaction most times so do not be afraid to fish slowly and deliberately. This is the one time of year where it’s okay to be stubborn when fishing.
Watch The Weather, Use Three Types Of Baits
The weather is an enormous factor this time of year if you want to pursue giant bass. Thankfully, however, it’s not too complicated. Keep the word “three” in your head this winter.
We’re all limited for fishing time to some degree due to work and family obligations, so I want you to pull up your fancy weather app on that phone or computer and look for any upcoming three-day warming trend. If you get a three-day trend of rising daytime highs that hover around the 50- to 60-degree range mixed with some afternoon sun, use some sick time and go fishing.
You can skip the first warmer day because it takes ’em a day to get acclimated. But on the second or third day, you need to be out there. Trust me on this one.
Like we discussed, those seemingly small temperature increases can make an enormous difference in regards to big-bass behavior. Those weather apps are your best friend right now, so do not overlook them.
Bait-wise, I keep it very simple; you don’t need a hundred rods in your boat and all that latest and greatest stuff. A flat-sided crankbait on 12-lb. fluorocarbon line, a jig on 20-lb. fluorocarbon line, and your favorite creature/pitching bait on 17-lb. fluorocarbon line is all you need. Leave the rest of your stuff at home if you’d like.
I always seem to start out and, most often, stick with a flat-sided crankbait. I’ve always had a hard time sitting still whether I’m fishing or at home, so I really appreciate the crankbait’s ability to cover water more efficiently. Remember, you’re not fishing for a broad population that’s loaded in the shallows right now, so you’ll have to inevitably fish through a lot of dead water. A crankbait allows you to do that and the aggressive side-to-side shimmy of a flat-side is just a downright killer for these ultra-prespawn bass.
Just remember to fish your crankbait fairly slowly this time of year. It’s not a speed contest, and these fish are cold and won’t move too far to eat it. A very deliberate retrieve is most often necessary.
If they won’t eat the crankbait, I like a 3/8-oz. skirted jig with a soft-plastic trailer. I normally choose a dark color, such as a black-and-blue color scheme so the bass can see the profile easier in the muddy, cold water. It’s very important to fish the jig slowly as well for the same reasons as the crankbait. Your bites are not going to be those big “thumps” you normally get in the spring and summer, so paying close attention to your line is imperative. If the bait feels spongy or swims to the side just an inch or two, set the hook.
My third suggestion would be some sort of a soft-plastic creature bait and again, most often in a dark color. Fish it just like you would a jig. The only difference here is that the creature bait gives a more subtle profile that might be more appealing to a big bass instead of a bulky jig or wobbly crankbait.
The Wrap Up
Remember to look for three-day warming trends and hit those second and third days hard. Focus on rocks and irregularities on boat docks adjacent to deep water and keep three types of baits in your boat. It might sound stupidly simple but remember who’s writing this article… if I can figure out this cool little bite, I’m more than positive you can, too.
Editor’s Note: Walker Smith is an 18-year veteran of the outdoor industry. The former Managing Editor of, his work has been published around the world and been read by hundreds of millions. He now owns Dead Rooster Media, which provides industry-leading content, photography, videography, marketing strategy, product design and consulting to premier outdoor brands.