Spy Cam – November 2019
Reader Contributed | November 3, 2019
Email your pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.

Casper Says Happy Halloween! GON member Gerald Stroup, of Leesburg, sent this trail-camera picture from his camera in Calhoun County. “I think we caught Casper on camera,” said Gerald.

Santa’s Team: Logan Mitchell, grandson of GON member Jamie Haynes, got this picture of ‘Santa’s sleigh team’ scouting a route through Pickens County on Aug. 6.

Velvet Coming Off: This handsome buck was still working on getting rid of the velvet when this trail-camera picture was taken on Sept. 7. Brian Clavier got the image in Crawford County.
Stewart County Coyote Gets A Fawn: The picture above taken June 14. This picture below taken on June 17. “Another example of how the coyote population is threatening our deer herd,” said Daniel Gibbens, of Panama City. “This fawn made it just three days!”