Letters To The Editor – October 2019
Reader Contributed | September 25, 2019
No October Dove Season A Real Bummer For Some
Dear GON,
In planning for the 2019 dove season, I planted and irrigated browntop millet in July with the expectation of cutting and shooting in October. When the new hunting dates were published, I learned there is not to be an October season. When and how could I have known this, and what is the DNR thinking on this change? Also, I could replant browntop for the November weekend, but I would need to do that in September, which might be considered baiting.
Mike Harrington, Dublin
Editor’s Note: Every two years, WRD invites all hunters and other interested persons to attend public meetings and provide input on the development of changes to current hunting regulations. For more information on the process and how to get involved by making comments, go to
The Whip-poor-will Versus Chuck-will’s-widow
Dear GON,
At a hunting club I was a member of several years ago, one of the guys said, “Listen to all the whip-poor-wills.”
I said, “What? I don’t hear any.”
He said, “What’s the matter with your hearing? Right there, that’s one.”
I made it quite clear that there was nothing wrong with my hearing and told him the birds he was hearing were Chuck-will’s-widows, not whip-poor-wills. I told him I did not hear a single whip-poor-will. I explained that they are two entirely different birds, but many times confused with each other.
How many times do you really hear a whip-poor-will? Listen closely next time you hear a bird you believe is a whip-poor will. He’s probably saying “Chuck-Will’s-Widow.” You can hear the distinct “Chuck” at the beginning of his call.
See this article and hear the bird sounds on the Audubon website:
Jan Newbill, Shiloh
Glen Solomon Very Missed
Dear GON,
I was very sad to read about Glen Solomon and will miss his writings very much.
What a thrill I got after I sent Glen an email after reading his story in the July 2015 issue about wade fishing in the Canoochee River. I asked him if he had ever caught any redfin pike, and he told me he was working on that story for the next issue of GON. I sent him a picture, and it was published with Glen’s story in the August 2015 issue. I never dreamed I would ever be in GON, but thanks to Glen I was.
Gary Moore, Cartersville
Editor’s Note: Glen’s redfin pike article can be read at

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What a nice way to kick-off the 2019 season with a Clarke County buck. Thanks Michael Lanard, of Athens, for sending this to GON Instagram.

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This is one nice bass sent in by Tucker Jenkins, 17, of Habersham County. It was caught in north Georgia at Seed Lake.
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