Letters To The Editor – November 2018
Reader Contributed | November 7, 2018
Goodbye GON, And Thank You
Dear GON,
I think back on all the years I have had the pleasure of reading and reflecting on all the topics and articles you and your staff have made available to our world in the outdoors. My journey with GON has been a great one that started back in the days when your publication was in newspaper format.
With much regret I will be dropping my subscription to GON because of an eye disorder called macular degeneration. No longer can I sit and enjoy reading. Over the years I found that GON was the only magazine I subscribed to that I would actually read everything.
Steve, thank you for the many years of enjoyment.
Richard Stevens, Woodstock
Some Lowlife Ripped Me Off At Clybel WMA
Dear GON,
I’ve always been proud to honor the code of ethics between hunters that lets us leave our deer stands, trail cameras, etc. in the woods or on our trucks without having to worry about some lowlife taking them. Over the years, I’ve walked up on climbing stands, ground blinds, flashlights and all manners of people’s stuff in the woods on WMAs and national forest lands all over this state, and it all stayed exactly where I saw it.
I say this to share with GON readers that a couple of days before bow season at Clybel this year I found a place where the hogs had mutilated the ground, so I set my ladder stand and trail camera up. When I returned the afternoon of opening day, my camera had been taken. I’ve left things at Clybel since it opened, and never before has anything ever been bothered, much less stolen. Maybe you say, “Well, you’re stupid for leaving it in the first place,” but once again, I stand by the code of ethics of sportsmen that we can trust and believe in each other.
To the dog who took my camera, get a job! If you have a job, then buy a camera.
Paul Eskew, Monticello
A Work Around When Dealing With Tight-Lipped Trappers
Dear GON,
When I read Tom Smith’s letter in the August issue about finally catching his first coyote after trying to get information from some tight-lipped experienced trappers, it reminded me of when I was struggling to catch my first yote. I had met a nuisance trapper, and in a roundabout way, he let me know that I would have to figure it out on my own. Not long after that, I read an article in GON on trapping written by a Georgia Trappers Association (GTA) member. After that, I attended their annual convention and learned they are some of the nicest people you could ever imagine. They all with one thing in common—a love for trapping.
If you have a passion for trapping and learning more, join GTA and begin to network with folks who don’t mind sharing techniques to improve your trapping skills. You can go to their website at or e-mail info@gatrappers
Aaron Midkiff, Hampton
GON Social

GON Twitter: Russell Mann tweeted on Oct. 23, “Jasper County got a good view this morning @GONMagazine.”

GON Facebook: Daniel Williamson killed this fantastic Toombs County buck on Sunday, Oct. 21 at 6:30 p.m.

GON Instagram: Will Owens, of Tifton, killed this buck last Thanksgiving morning in Tift County. “This buck came running from the thickets about 80 yards away. You could hear his antlers hitting branches and saplings as he was running to the sound of the bleat. He was in full rut mode. He came about 30 yards away, and then I stopped him and shot with my .270 rifle.”
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