Letters To The Editor: May 2024
Reader Contributed | May 3, 2024

Great picture of Davis Bray and his first turkey ever, taken in Whitfield County on April 2.
‘Enjoyed Meeting The New DNR Leadership Team
Dear GON,
As a long-time subscriber to GON, I especially enjoyed the informative article about the new DNR commissioners. Hunting and shooting are lifelong interests, and I really appreciate the unique opportunities that we have in Georgia. GON does a remarkable job of keeping us informed about so many important issues regarding our cherished outdoor activities.
Jim Jenkins, Lilburn
Editor’s Note: With much of the world in what appears to be political limbo, it’s comforting knowing that our current DNR leadership is not just in favor of hunting and fishing but share the same level of passion as seen throughout the GON Community. If you haven’t read the story, go to
GA Baiting Regs Has Positive Change On Deer Club
Dear GON,
In the February 2024 VOTES results, you published that 55% believe that “baiting” has improved deer hunting. What I am about to tell you is the truth about “baiting.”
What has happened after it was legalized is that we are seeing more deer, BUT the members of our deer lease in Coweta County have become MUCH more selective in our harvest choices. Therefore, we, as a club, have taken fewer and fewer deer each year.
The general theme around the camp is no longer, “if it’s brown, it’s down.” We did not dictate this ruling, but rather the individuals of the club began to monitor their own selves.
They were seeing more deer. This made it more exciting but also brought more opportunity for them to be more selective in their harvest.
We, as a club, started aging deer on tooth wear and replacement by extracting the jawbones. This started out as “you killed a little one,” to now we barely ever see one below 3 1/2 years old.
This mindset and the feeding program, as well as our leader, Wayne Dodd, has led us to a place where “IF” we take a young deer, it is usually over 120 pounds. This is in Coweta County!
Without great people, like Nick and Candice Blackmon, this program would not work. Nick started a trapping program. We are removing massive amounts of coyotes, bobcats, raccoons and possums. You know all of those fawn eaters and nest robbers.
I am just trying to tell all of the readers, that the more deer you see, the more selective you can be.
It does work!
Tim Ridley, Newnan
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Daniel Bailey with a gobbler taken in Worth County.

Grayson Fuller, 16, of Watkinsville, with his first turkey. He downed the bird in Oglethorpe County.

Chris Carter got it done on some Pulaski County wild pigs.
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