Letters To The Editor: June 2023
Reader Contributed | May 30, 2023
What About Extending Small-Game Season?
Dear GON,
Since the increase in deer season, this has decreased the days of the small-game season. Even though the small-game season comes in during November, you really can’t hunt public hunting or even private areas for rabbits when the deer season is in due to dogs disturbing deer hunters and the possible harm that may come to me or the beagles. I propose extending the small-game season up until or just before turkey season. It costs to keep up with my beagles in feed and vet bills only to get to hunt them a few times a year. I still work, so I can’t hunt every day and sometimes not every weekend. Any other ideas? Please consider the small-game hunters
Jeff Riggs, Ball Ground
Fox Reports Biden’s Latest Move Against Hunting
Dear GON,
GON readers should be aware and read the article that dropped on Fox News on April 30: “Biden’s war on hunting faces blowback from Republicans, sportsmen groups.” (A link will be available at in the June issue.)
This is another area of this administration that we sportsman should be VERY concerned about and the GON family (readers) should be aware. Please start encouraging others to registers to vote. I work in commercial construction, and it is fairly common that in our industry a lot of workers hunt and fish. I have found that many are not registered to vote. I tell them the struggles my grandfather went though on Saipan, Iwo Jima and Tinian (some of the worst fighting in the Pacific Theater of WWII). I tell them I owe it to him and all the others to stand in line and cast an educated vote because I have never had to endure such experiences because of their sacrifices. I tell them that I am sure that someone in their family made similar sacrifices and so they owed the same debt of gratitude. That is reason enough to vote.
I pray that God will restore some sanity to this country.
Travis Burroughs, Jefferson
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Colt Williams, 12, of Savannah, with a Chatham County largemouth bass caught April 2.

Billy Holbrook said he caught and threw back a record chain pickerel from Lake Burton on April 22. There is currently no record for that species at Burton on GON’s Lake & River Records list, but the current state record is 9-lbs., 6-ozs.

Zachary Galvin tagged out with this Carroll County bird. He said it had 1 3/4-inch spurs.
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In regards to the “Fox Reports Biden’s Latest Move Against Hunting”. It is important that hunters/fishers receive accurate information. Under former President Trump, hunting/fishing was expanded on National Wildlife Refuges. The intent of these lands is expressed in thier title of “refuges” that provide safe harbor to wildlife with little to no pressure from humans. Lead shot has been banned from waterfowl hunting since 1991 and part of the new controversy on NWRs is the use of lead shot. The new proposals would limit the use of lead shot on NWRs. None of these actions apply to state/federal wildlife management areas or private lands. Those of that enjoy hunting and fishing, regardless of political affiliation need to stick together to keep our rights in place. Sportsmen via thier licenses and tags contribute more to conversation in this country than any other group. Lets keep educating the public. Lets get more people into the outdoors, away from thier phones/video games, and avoid political manipulation. I’m a veteran and and retired wildlife biologist.