Letters To The Editor – January 2022
Reader Contributed | January 5, 2022
Fiction Story A Great Tribute To Glen Solomon
Dear GON,
Just finished The Trembling in the December 2021 issue of GON. It was another great fall fiction series. At the end, Craig bumped my heart with his note that it was written in memory of the great outdoorsman writer Glen Solomon. I will never forget him.
In July 2015, he emailed me and asked if he could publish an email I had sent him about an article of his that he had written. I saxqid yes of course and got an email from the editor for a picture of me. There I was published in GON. I was so happy. I had never dreamed of it.
I enjoyed every writing I read of Glen’s, and oh yea, Craig James, as well.
Gary Moore, Cartersville
Editor’s Note: The five-part Trembling series is available beginning at
God Winks Through GON
Dear GON,
Do you believe in “God Winks?” You know… the undeniable signs from God that He is near and so are your loved ones?
GON published their November issue and featured Dad’s picture in Days GON By from 20 years ago with his bruiser of a buck.
Did GON know he even passed away? Probably not. Did GON know they published his picture in the same month that we remember his passing? Probably not.
G-O-N may not know. But G-O-D does. While I was preparing to share this God-wink story, the Holy Spirit prompted me to check the date on the original picture. It was 11-11 (2000).
My sister and I know that 11, especially 11:11, is our number for Dad and Jake. This buck was shot on Nov. 10, so that accuracy of the kill wasn’t perfect with the old camera’s internal clock.
But it was perfectly aligned for us to let us know Dad is still sending us messages from Heaven.
You can be a skeptic and protect your heart. Or you can open your eyes, your heart, and your soul to know that you can still communicate and have a relationship with your person in the spiritual realm. It brings healing, hope, and happiness.
Paige Armstrong Ewing
A Good Question

Rich Dreschel, of Canton, emails, “I just returned from Montana! Do our deer do this? In a lifetime of hunting, I have never seen this.”
GON Social

GON Facebook: Ava Arrington, 14, of LaGrange, with a Troup County buck she killed with a 150-yard shot using her .30/06.

GON Instagram: 107-year-old gun! Matthew Roberts shot this 10-point in Fayette County with a Winchester .30-30 that was made in 1914.

GON Twitter: Jake Goff with a nice 8-point killed in Lowndes County Nov. 24. Thanks @RdgoffGoff for allowing GON to celebrate with you.