Letters To The Editor – December 2019
Reader Contributed | December 6, 2019
Gwinnett County Poachers Getting The Last Laugh
Dear GON,
In reference to GON’s Conservation Law Enforcement Corner in the November 2019 issue, the Carter brothers are excellent negotiators!
I’m sure there were more deer taken than the five found on the phone. And what was their end game? Are their homes filled wall to wall with mounts or were they selling them? Instead of a $1,000 fine, they should have paid $1,000/head and $2,000 for each deer taken out of season, much like doubling the fine for speeding in a construction zone.
Non-reporting probation is just two poachers “promising” to behave. Their punishment is nothing more than a joke of which I’m sure they are having the last laugh.
Jim Grace, Gainesville, Ga.
GON Reader Shares Unique Duck Stamp Collection

David E. Weldon, of Griffin, with his collection of Georgia state duck stamps from 1985-1999.
Dear GON,
At 77 years old, I have been a waterfowl hunter and studied waterfowl for 53 years. I still blow a duck call, but I don’t compete in competitions. I blow about three times a year and record 80- to 90-second routines just like the competition in Stuttgart, Arkansas.
As you had mentioned in Days GON By a few months back, I do have original Georgia State duck hunting stamps unsigned from 1985-1999. The 15 original stamps are on red velvet material.
Sincerely yours,
David E. Weldon, Griffin

GON Instagram:
Chris Cotton, 21, of Atlanta, smoked this big Randolph County buck on Oct. 19. Thanks, cotton.eye.chris.

GON Twitter:
Jared Griffis @JGriff97 tweeted “Right place, right time. Another buck down in Georgia! #Rut #BBD
@Realtree @GONMagazine.”

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This tall-racked, dark-antlered Oconee buck was taken by Kraig Balon, aka bulldawg_reece.

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Palmer Daniel, 12, really scored big on this 176-inch bruiser from Terrell County. He killed the 16-pointer on Oct. 30.
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