For the first time since the 2001-2002 hunting season, more Georgia deer hunters ranked their deer seasons as “Excellent” versus “Poor.” Of the 1,653 ballots returned to GON, 21.6 percent of respondents ranked their deer season as “Excellent,” which is the highest percentage of excellent rankings GON has on record since the 2003-04 deer hunting…
On Feb. 2, Providence Baptist Church in Newnan hosted an open archery event that was available to kids from the first grade all the way up to the 12th grade. The day of archery shooting was part of Centershot Ministries, an outreach program that allows for archery and Bible study. “With equipment owned by the church, 20 children…
A man running a trail in northern Colorado was attacked by a mountain lion yesterday morning, Feb. 4. The jogger survived. The mountain lion did not. According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the man killed the cougar with only his hands by choking it. The runner told officials he heard something behind him on the trail and was…
State Representative Trey Rhodes (R-Greensboro) takes the helm as the new Chairman of the House Game, Fish, and Parks Committee. This committee is where most legislation that impacts sportsmen begins its legislative process. The chair of the Game, Fish, and Parks Committee is an important position that in the past influenced or directly affected whether…
On Jan. 4, John B. McWhorter, Jr., 73, of Rochelle, passed away. John will always have a special place in the hearts of the GON family. His picture was on the front cover of the very first issue of GON, which was published March 19, 1987. John was photographed by GON founder Steve Burch and put…
Three new Georgia WMAs will offer turkey quota hunt options to the general public this spring. The deadline to apply for for all WMA turkey hunts is Feb. 15, and all applications must be done through The three new areas are outlined below. • CFL Hilliard: The Hilliard Tract in Marion County is the newest addition…
Chip’s Nation Pediatric Cancer Foundation will host the 3rd annual Hunting, Fishing, Praying for a Cure (HFPC) event on Feb. 23. This event is the foundation’s largest annual fundraiser, and the goal for HFPC 2019 is to raise $200,000 in one night. In August 2010, Chip Madren was a regular 13-year-old 7th grader who loved…
A deer hunter from Cumming, who wishes to remain anonymous, helped law enforcement officers catch a man after equipment and hunting supplies began to disappear from his Wilkes County hunting camp early in 2018. “I was really upset. I had felt like my rights had been violated,” said the hunter. After things went missing, and…
GON has recently reported that Georgia game wardens are now using all kinds of social media to look for game-related violations. However, a new form of social media from an Oklahoma game warden is one we haven’t heard yet. According to the Oklahoma Game Wardens Facebook page, Game Warden Cannon Harrison was on a dating app…
Every two years, the Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) invites all hunters to attend public meetings and provide input on the development of changes to current hunting regulations. Here are the dates and locations for the WRD Public Meetings on hunting regulations. All meetings begin at 7 p.m. • Jan. 7: Gainesville Civic Center, Chattahoochee Room,…