

DNR Seeks Input on 5-Year Plan to Set Direction for Outdoor Recreation

Some hunters will be sitting home this fall because they don’t have a place to hunt. Likewise, fishing, one of the state’s most popular outdoor activities, deserves attention to continue to provide angling opportunities. Sportsmen have an opportunity to speak up for their needs at a series of town-hall meetings over the next two months…

Eye on the Antis – October 2006

The latest victory for the animal-rights, anti-hunting Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) should send a shocking wake-up call that sportsmen better get their rear-ends off the 10-gallon bucket of false contentment and rosy everything’s-just-fine sentiment many of us seem to be stuck on. A federal court has ruled that the hunting seasons at…

Sportsmen Must Fight To Pass Right To Hunt And Fish Amendment

This November 7, sportsmen and women of the state of Georgia have the opportunity to elevate hunting and fishing from the privilege that is now to a right through the passage of the state constitutional amendment for fishing and hunting. This will be the most important initiative to face fishermen and hunters in this state…

Bowhunters Seeing Lots Of Food, Good Deer Movement As 2006 Season Begins

In the Department of Natural Resource’s (DNR) annual mast survey, the overall oak rating was a 3.14, which ranks as “Good” and is the highest rating that oaks can receive. A rating from 0.0 to 2.0 is poor, 2.01-3.0 is fair and anything above 3.0 is good. Red oaks topped the list this year, with…

21-Point Buck Arrowed Opening Weekend

Michael Almand of Madison killed one of the biggest and certainly the most unusual buck GON has heard about during the bow-season opener. Michael was hunting a Morgan County tract of land on Saturday evening of opening weekend, September 9, when he arrowed a 21-point, non-typcial buck that was still in velvet. The buck had…

Kids Can Apply For Bobwhite Quail Initiative Quota Hunts

WRD’s Bobwhite Quail Initiative (BQI) is offering a unique opportunity to hunt some private farm land with awesome quail habitat. Youth and adults alike will get the chance to see how wild quail react when flushed. It’s bound to be great fun for all parties involved. The BQI is a program promoting the increase and…

Two Georgia Gun Shops Settle New York City Lawsuit

Two Georgia gun dealers, accused by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg of illegal firearms sales have settled. The gun dealers, A-1 Jewelry and Pawn of Augusta and AAA Gun & Pawn Brokers of Hephzibah are both owned by Greg Driggers and his father. In May, Mayor Bloomberg filed civil suits against 15 gun dealers…

Paulding County Voters Offered Chance To Buy And Protect WMA

One the state’s most endangered Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) has a chance to be protected from looming development, and if it happens, a big chunk of the money will come from county residents. The Paulding County Commission two weeks ago voted to place a $15 million bond referendum on the November ballot to help the…

Field Day Shows How To Maximize Benefits Hunting Land

Folks interested in improving their land for wildlife while also reducing the cost of land ownership and management have a unique opportunity to attend sessions taught by resource professionals at an upcoming field day event. Representatives from the Wildlife Resources Division (WRD), Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC), USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, University of Georgia and…

GON Won’t Be At The Buckaramas

After 20 years of GON being able to renew old friendships with many of you each August at the Buckaramas, GON has been denied a place in the shows this year by the show owner, the Georgia Wildlife Federation (GWF). We are disappointed by the actions of GWF/Camo Coalition because we valued this opportunity to…

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