Grant Taylor, 7, was born with a skin disorder called EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa). The disease causes the skin to be extremely fragile, where the slightest bump can cause his skin to peel or blister. Thankfully, there’s an organization dedicated to finding a cure. Called DebRA, the non-profit organization has been around for more than two…
The thunderous echo of a muzzleloader from the shooting range at Charlie Elliot Wildlife Center (CEWC) almost caused me to drop the box of GON magazines I was bringing to the campers. I laughed at myself for not expecting it as laughter and enthusiatic voices filled the silent void after the boom. As I approaced…
Only in America can a small businessman have any hope of prevailing against the strong-arm tactics of a billionarie bully. But Jay Wallace and his family have taken just such a stand. Jay and his family have operated Adventure Outdoors, a retail hunting and fishing business in Smyrna, for the past 30 years. In May,…
It won’t be long now when crisp, cool mornings greet the camo-clad thousands who still enjoy the legacy and passion of Georgia hunting. It’s time to make plans and get ready for another season. It’s also time to get more kids involved in the great tradition of hunting, and a growing line-up of free…
This year lawmakers passed a bill that makes it legal to have scopes on muzzleloaders during the primitive-weapons week of deer season, and also on primitive-weapons hunts on Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). In previous legislative sessions, bills that addressed the issue of scopes on muzzleloders were complicated when more-controversial measures like baiting and dog-hunting changes…
The Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) recently held a two-day event at the Ocmulgee River Gun Club. The shoot was held on June 10th and 11th; registering 71 in the skeet competition and 47 in the sporting clays competition. Both events were split into five classes: rookie, junior-novice, junior-experienced, senior-novice, and senior-experienced. Cloud-free skies offered…
At daybreak, Saturday June 10, two years and a day from breaking ground, the Ocmulgee PFA opened to the public and the opening-day fishing was fantastic. Hazlehurst angler Glen Soloman was so excited about his day on the lake he sent this account: “F1 Tiger Bass. Bam! Coming to you at the new Ocmulgee Public…
The state-record for flathead catfish has been broken. On Thursday, June 22 Carl Sawyer of Screven pulled a monster catfish out of the Altamaha that weighed 83 pounds — smashing the previous record of 67-lbs., 8-ozs. Carl and fishing buddy Ben Poppell of Jesup were camping on a sandbar and catfishing. Thursday evening they were…
Since 1991 Tifton Kiwanis have organized an annual kids fishing event (KFE) with Paradise Public Fishing Area (PFA) located near Tifton between Brookfield and Enigma. Registration began at 7:30 a.m. on June 10, 2006 as children 15 years and younger gathered with families to experience a good, fun, outdoor adventure. Event chairs Alfonzo McCalley, Mike…
A four-foot-long blue catfish caught from the Chattahoochee River below the Columbia Lock & Dam has broken a state record that has stood for more than 26 years. On April 1, 2006, James Tyus of Brinson and his brother Eric went to the Lake Andrew tailrace to try out the fishing. “A buddy had told…