

Girl Arrows Two Deer With One Shot

During these crazy days when people don’t want to work and grocery stores are often waiting on the next truck to dock with food or employees to stock the shelves, it’s not a bad idea to get the freezer full of venison. Ava Morgan, 13, of Wray, got pro-active in meat collecting on Oct. 1…

Top Georgia Counties For Big Bucks 2021

When it comes to a county’s ability to grow a trophy buck, not all counties are created equal. It’s just a fact—some counties have more of the ingredients required for a buck to grow a huge set of antlers—natural food sources, genetics and circumstances that allow a buck to get old and mature. Having said…

Deer Hunting Reports: Great Bucks, Plenty Of Deer Mark Start To Season

Unseasonably cool temperatures made the first weeks of archery season more than bearable—it was crisp and cool some mornings, a welcome respite from the hot, buggy bowhunting we’re used to in Georgia. Something else we’re now used to is a fantastic first week of archery season for huge Georgia bucks. Bowhunters have figured out how…

11-Year-Old Girl Shoots 140+ Buck On Camera

A daddy-daughter bond is an extraordinary thing, especially when that bondage takes place through hunting and the outdoors. Hadleigh Bruce, 11, of Newborn, had a moment with her daddy William on Sept. 15 that will indeed thicken their bond as she killed her biggest buck to date with him—a 142-inch Jasper County 14-pointer—with a crossbow.…

Big 10-Point Three Weeks After Life-Saving Transplant

Most sportsmen eagerly anticipate opening day of a new hunting season. One Georgia man didn’t even know if he would see opening day this year but made the most of it when it did arrive by taking a huge buck. Zak Avery, a 39-year-old financial advisor from Pine Mountain, discovered he had a failing liver…

Worth County 13-Pointer Grosses Mid 180s

It’s zero surprise to most Georgia hunters that Worth County makes the headlines with a giant buck. This one was taken by bowhunter Cam Williams, of Cordele. The 13-pointer was called Splits and was gross scored in the mid 180s. Cam loves it when a plan comes together. In February 2021, he found a huge…

Big Georgia Buck Killed By Falling Tree?

Brian Brooks lives on 10 acres in Paulding County. He’s in a club only 3 miles down the road, but he still hunts his property and runs cameras on it. He didn’t have any photos of any big bucks on his property, but his neighbor, Lloyd Cline, did have several good bucks on his cameras. However,…

Macon County Velvet Freak Has A Gazillion Points

Benny Overholt had seen this buck on his Macon County farm for several years, and the deer was normal until last season when it didn’t shed its velvet and didn’t drop its antlers after the season. Fast forward to this season, and that velvet rack just kept growing… and growing! “Having seen this buck of…

Gwinnett County Record-Class Buck Opening Weekend

Landon Parks is fairly new to deer hunting, but he got off to an excellent start when he dropped a record-book caliber bow-buck in Gwinnett County on a tract of private land. Landon’s dad, Michael, helped him get fired up by giving him a new Bowtech bow for his 21st birthday, and his uncle, Jason…

One Hunter, Two P&Y Bucks In Two Days

Most sportsmen wait months for hunting season to open, anticipating many days afield in pursuit of their passion. For one Georgia man, his buck hunting ended on opening weekend. On consecutive days, Jake Wesley, an air traffic controller from Locust Grove, arrowed his allotted two-buck season limit while hunting in DeKalb County. Both bucks will…

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