
DNR Boss Man Lands On Cover

GON Staff | November 20, 2021

It’s was an honor to put DNR Commissioner Mark Williams on the cover 10 years ago with a big buck he killed in Walton County. GON had to do a little arm twisting for Mark to let us photograph him with the buck. 

“I’m sure there’s a kid with a big buck that’ll make a better cover,” said Mark. 

GON had never had the chance to even photograph a previous DNR commissioner with a deer, much less a cover-quality buck.

When Mark shot the deer, it ran off and they decided to call a tracking dog. That dog was owned by GON friend Bill Young, who brought his trailing dog Daisy. She made quick work and recovered Mark’s deer.

“Daisy took us straight to the buck that was down by the creek,” said Mark. “I had never met the folks who helped me find my trophy, but they treated me like we were long-time friends. This is one of the things I appreciate most about hunting and fishing. There is a universal bond among outdoorsmen that allows us to make true friendships. I know I made several that afternoon.”

By the way, Mark is still the DNR commissioner. It’s good to know we got a boss man running the show who genuinely enjoys and understands hunting and fishing.

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