Fishing Reports
Carters: Level: 4.2 feet below full pool. Temp: 58-62 degrees. Clarity: Relatively clear. Bass: Good. Daniel Davenport won a pot tournament over the weekend with 12 pounds. “Most of the guys are using Spotstickers with green-pumpkin worms in 20-foot brush,” said Buddy Callahan at Bart’s Bait & Tackle. The lake has come back up since…
Burton: Level: 1.9 feet below full pool. Temp: Low 50s. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Gary Kilby said that since the cold weather ahead of Thanksgiving and dropping water temperatures, the bass have gone deep at Burton. He recommended either spooning or using a drop-shot rig on river ledges and drops. “On a warm day, the fish…
Blue Ridge: Level: 14.4 feet below full pool. Temp: 53-55 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Blue Ridge fishing guide Nathan Lewis said that a 6/10-oz. Flex-it jigging spoon is a good bet on Blue Ridge this month. Look for river ledges or drops, particularly ledges with any unusual feature, like the spot where a creek joins…
Blackshear: Level: 3.4 feet below full pool. Temp: Low 60 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Fair. Clint Brownlee and Jerry Gray won the Blackshear Buddies tournament November 18 with three fish that weighed 14-lbs., 14-oz. The winning catch was anchored with an 8-pounder. The report was that two of the fish hit small crankbaits fished around…
Allatoona: Level: 5.9 feet below full pool. Temp: 57-58 degrees. Clarity: Mostly clear, with the clearest water in the middle section of the lake. Bass: Good. You can still try topwater first thing in the morning either a Sammy or Pop-R on the secondary points and even a buzzbait back in the pockets. On cold…
Chattahoochee Tailwater Report by Chris Scalley of River Through Atlanta Guide Service “Shooting the ‘Hooch in November? I guess we should start with the fall spawning ritual of the brown trout which will be in peak activity during November and continue through December. During this time browns are congregating around gravel bars throughout the river…
Paradise PFA: Levels: Most lakes are 12 to 18 inches below full pool. Temp.: 66-68 degrees. Clarity: Lakes are slightly stained. Visibility on Lake Patrick is 36 inches. Bass: Fair. Several Paradise bass anglers have reported bass being caught on crankbaits, according to area manager Charles West. Shad Raps and Rat-L-Traps have been the best…
West Point: Level: 6.3 feet low. Temp: 68-72 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Good. The Georgia State Championship is November 4-5, so expect high levels of boat activity during those days. Look for fish to move shallow as they follow shad back into the creeks and pockets. A topwater bite will get better in November. Throw…
Weiss: Level: 3.4 feet below full pool. Temp: 70 degrees. Clarity: Main lake is clear. Bass: With the water temperature holding up through most of October, most of the fish were still deep, according to Weiss guide Jerry Sims. “They are still catching them out on the ledges on crankbaits and jerkbaits,” said Jerry. So…