Already dreaming about the explosive topwater strikes you had during the summer and wishing bass were still hitting on top? That excitement is not necessarily over for the year. Head down to Lake Seminole where bass are blowing up on frogs around the hydrilla and will be on that pattern most of November. Seminole is…
The number of bowhunters traveling from Georgia to the Midwest is amazing. Although the bucks there are certainly impressive, it’s not just the size of the bucks and the numbers of them. Georgia has great bucks too, but the bucks in Iowa and Illinois are a lot more killable. It’s a matter of terrain that…
During the four-month period of February to May 2008, Drew Gregory fished a handful of Georgia rivers several times. He caught dozens of bass, some spotted and largemouth, but mainly shoal bass. He wasn’t catching the little 1-pounders, he was hauling in the bigger river bass. During those river fishing trips this past spring, he caught…
If you look up the term “fishing addict” in the dictionary, you may notice a picture of Preston Harden in the margin. Preston loves to fish whether it is casting gold spoons for tailing redfish in the Louisiana bayous or flinging flies for trout in north Georgia or even hurling plugs for spotted bass on…
With lungs sputtering short, spastic breaths, hands trembling and his right heel drumming the ground like a sewing machine, Otis Hicks forced in a deep breath, attempting to gain control of his adrenaline-soused faculties. Less than 150 yards in front of him, standing broadside in the crosshairs, almost as magnificent as the man’s dreams, was…
My name is Glen Solomon. I am an addict. My addiction is hunting and the rush. I practice my habit on public land. The state of Georgia has many programs in which to help people with their addictions. The one I am a part of is the wildlife-management-area system. I’ve been hunting Georgia’s public lands…
It had just turned cool. A long-sleeve shirt was comfortable as Kevin Barwick and I motored down Little River headed toward a pocket that fills up with shad, and bass, this time of year. A deck full of rods strapped down revealed we’d be firing spinnerbaits and working an assortment of plastic lures as we…
For some guys, it’s all about the fishing. Ryan Lamb of Lilburn, at 18, has bass fishing in his blood. In November, there are few places he’d rather be than ripping a buzzbait across the surface of Black Shoals Reservoir waiting for a 5-pounder to blow up on the clattering, splashing bait. At 18, Ryan…
At last: The bag limit on wood ducks has been raised to three birds per day! In a state where wood ducks are No. 1 in the harvest, and where most hunters have only woodies to hunt in a beaver-pond swamp, that’s great news. “Historically, the No. 1 question we heard from duck hunters is…
In just its third year in existence, the Lowndes County 4-H senior-division archery team won the National 4-H Shooting Sports Invitational June 21 in Grand Island, Neb. Under the tutelage of Coach Dale Cribb, the high-school-aged team was led by Madison, Fla. archer Jantz Jenkins, who took top individual archer honors for the tournament to…