
Fishing Reports

Lake Eufaula Fishing Report March 2012

Eufaula: Level: 1.4 feet below full pool. Temp: Mid 50s. Clarity: Good stain. Bass: Good. Sam Williams said bass are biting well. “Jigs and bottom rigs are catching good fish around the shorelines. Topwater early and late will produce some bites. Fishing deep around sunken structure is good with jigs or crankbaits. The lake level…

Clarks Hill Fishing Report March 2012

Clarks Hill: Level: 8.1 feet below full pool. Temp: 55 degrees. Clarity: Main lake is clear; stained in most tributaries. Bass: Good. Guide Dale Gibbs reports, “The spawn is close, and the bass are loaded with eggs. Most of the bass are shallow and feeding well. During March, you will need several items to fish…

Carters Lake Fishing Report March 2012

Carters: Level: 1.4 feet below full pool. Temp: 50 degrees. Clarity: Very clear; 8 feet visibility. Spotted Bass: Fair. Guide Louie Bartenfield reports, “The bite here has been a little slower as of late, but that’s very typical February fishing on Carters Lake. Although we’ve caught good numbers most of the month, the bigger spotted…

Lake Burton Fishing Report March 2012

Burton: Level: 6.5 feet below full pool. Temp: 48 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Good. Georgia Lake fishing guide Tyler Clore reports, “With the mild winter temperatures we have had, there are a lot of fish that never pulled out to deeper water. We have done really well with white Bomber crankbaits in the mornings and…

Lake Blue Ridge Fishing Report March 2012

Blue Ridge: Level: 9.1 feet below full pool. Temp: High 40s to low 50s. Clarity: Clear. Smallmouths: Good. Eric Crowley, with Lake and Stream Guide Service, reports, “March on Blue Ridge is all about two things — crawfish and climbing temps. The crawfish will start to gather for the spawn, and the smallies love crawfish.…

Lake Blackshear Fishing Report March 2012

Blackshear: Level: Full pool. Temp: 58 to 62 degrees. Clarity: Stained; about 2 feet visibility. Bass: Excellent. Jim Murray Jr. and his 10-year-old son, Flint, won a Blackshear tournament Feb. 26 with a sack that weighed 28 pounds. Jim said they had big fish for the tournament, an 8 1/2-pounder, and two more that weighed…

Bartletts Ferry Fishing Report March 2012

Bartletts Ferry: Level: 1.1 feet below full pool. Temp: 54-55 degrees. Clarity: Stained. Bass: Good. Dennis Hudson said the weights are increasing in his weekly pot tournaments, and it’s taking a 15- to 20-lb. sack to win on Bartletts right now. The largemouths are starting to pull up and stage on primary and secondary points,…

Lake Allatoona Fishing Report March 2012

Allatoona: Level: 6.6 feet below full pool. Temp: Mid 50s. Clarity: Clear to light stain. Bass: Excellent. “Bass fishing is great,” said tournament angler Matt Driver. “With the weird weather we’ve had, the water temps are already in the mid 50s at the beginning of March and will most likely hit the magic 60-degree mark…

Deer Farming Debated By Georgia Lawmakers

As reported last month in GON, the discovery of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in wild deer near a deer-farming operation in Missouri has increased the scrutiny of an effort to legalize deer farming in Georgia. If passed, House Bill 1043 would legalize importing whitetails into Georgia for breeding farms. Those in favor of HB 1043…

Young Guns Of The Turkey Woods

I’ve been fortunate to have tucked away so many memories from the turkey woods. I can still remember my very first hunt in the north Georgia mountains as if it happened yesterday. Some seasons stand out more than others, too. One season that jumps to the front of the line when I think back on…

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