

Wayne County Catfish Tournament Won With 119.10 Pounds, 23-Lb. Average

It’s a lazy Sunday morning here, but the tension is palpable at Jaycee Landing. Trucks with trailered boats are beginning to line up nose to tail for a hundred yards as Ronnie Kent turns and says, “This is why I never like to weigh in early!” Ronnie and his wife Melissa are fixtures at the…

July 16 Deadline For Dove Coupon

2021-22 Dove Dates Sept. 4 – Oct. 10; Nov. 20-28; Dec. 19 – Jan. 31 GON will publish our annual Pay Dove Shoots list in the August issue. If you are hosting a shoot, fill out the Dove Shoot Coupon for a free listing. For County, just tell us which county your field(s) is in.…

Life Lessons From A Legend

Last year, I had the opportunity to spend a couple of days at Clarks Hill Lake with bass fishing legend Hank Parker. As a child I spent many Saturday mornings glued to the television set watching Hank share fishing tips, many of which I still use to this day. Making the three hour or so…

California Girl Falls Hard For Georgia Deer Hunting

By Traci Brautigam Let me start by saying that I am from southern California. I was born and raised there, spending the first 40 years of my life surrounded by pavement, master-planned communities, streetlights and overcrowded beaches. This was all I knew, and all I ever thought I wanted. Time was regulated by clocks, and…

Missing My Brother Rat

I went to a funeral service yesterday. Jesus wept, so it’s OK to be sad. However, my hour with those sweet people really was a celebration of a life. My friend’s name was Raymond Gibbs, although those who knew him just called him Rat. I’m pretty sure it was September 2014 when if I first…

4-H Shooting Sports Aims At Getting Back To Normal

The 4-H Project S.A.F.E. shooting sports competitions made a run at getting back to normal during the winter and spring of 2021, although it’ll be at least 2022 before participant numbers make a solid rebound. “COVID-19 disrupted our Georgia 4-H program significantly when UGA suspended all activities on March 13, 2020,” said Craven Hudson, extension…

A Hunters View On, “About That Timber Cut”

While reading the article on the timber industry, I had the feeling I was reading a Mark Twain story from the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. You know, the story where Huck and Tom are trying to convince their friends, that “white washing” the fence is pure pleasure, and much more fun, than…

Georgia Hog Doggin’

This time we were collecting video down in Shady Dale, GA with our good buddies Brian John and Wes Wilson. We were able to get on a few solid pigs that day and everybody had a good time. Leah John, Brian’s daughter, proved herself to be the hand of the day after tying a couple…

Bear Attacks 16-Year-Old Girl At Tennessee Park Campsite

A large male black bear entered a campsite just after midnight this morning and attacked a 16-year-old girl who was sleeping in a hammock. The girl’s four family members who were sleeping nearby were able to drive the bear away, but not before the girl received multiple injuries, including head lacerations, according to a news…

Inaugural GHSA Bass Fishing State Championship Won By Evans High Team

Evans County High School students Davis Madden and Jayden Faulkner won the first Georgia High School Association (GHSA) Bass Fishing State Championship, presented by Georgia Farm Bureau Insurance. The championship tournament was held May 8 at Lake Lanier. Faulkner and Madden had a five-bass limit that weighed 20-lbs., 3-ozs. to collect the win. There were 68…

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