

Dalton Utilities Hunt Yields 14-point Monster

When a deer overpopulation problem began to develop on 9,200 acres of Dalton Utilities property in Murray and Whitfield counties, instead of hiring sharpshooters or listening to the rhetoric of “birth control” as a solution, the company first invited hunters to help manage the deer herd. The result for hunters was access to some excellent…

Leaking Lakes: High Falls And Ocmulgee PFA Losing Water

The folks who work under the Parks Division of the Department of Natural Resources are hoping a four-foot drop in the lake level at High Falls  will be enough to repair a leak in one of the dam’s two doors. “The Safe Dam Committee has mandated us to fix the leak in the dam’s door,” said…

Teen Kills 437-Pound Bear At Dixon Memorial WMA

Randy hadn’t even got situated in his stand yet when his 13-year-old son Hunter Crumpler shot. Randy, from Townsend, headed 75 yards away to learn that Hunter had shot at a big bear. This all happened Saturday, November 12 on a Dixon Memorial WMA bear/deer hunt. After a quick search Hunter discovered the big male…

Savannah River Striped Bass

I’ve fished for striped bass for about the past four decades. Mostly I’ve chased the freshwater, landlocked version. These stripers are reared in hatcheries and released in freshwater lakes, where they feed on shad and grow to a size equal to any native striper found in saltwater. My biggest freshwater striper was a 33-pounder that…

Jump Shoot Ducks

I am always looking for a way to extend my hunting season and add new species to my game bag. Each season I experiment with tactics and pore over the hunting regulations memorizing opening dates and trying to work out a schedule as to when I can hunt certain animals. A few years back I…

HSUS Is Anti-Hunting, And Not Your Local Animal Shelter

Back in the 1950s, the American Humane Society was responsible for setting up animal shelters across the country, a needed and valuable venture that dealt with stray dogs and cats. Apparently some folks wanted the organization to get more involved in animal-rights’ issues. A split occurred, and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)…

Granny Dusts A Four-Wheeler

Every time you turn around, there’s something new and improved on the market for the hunter. Some of the inventions, contrivances and contraptions are nothing short of amazing. For instance, how does Tink’s get does in heat to pee into those tiny bottles? If you’ve ever found yourself up a tree with floating eyeballs, and…

GON December 2005

Features: Crank Rocky Points For December Bass On Lake Jackson Bobby Ferris marks our Jackson map for a mix of quality largemouth and spots. Taking Kids Hunting Unless something is done to reverse current trends, more than 60 percent of hunters will be 55 years old or older. Time Marches On, So Does Dog Hunting…

Bridge And Timber Crappie On Eufaula

Tom Shapard says fishing is a lot of fun because you never know when you begin a fishing trip how the day is going to turn out or what you’ll catch. That’s the kind of day we had on beautiful Lake Eufaula (or Walter F. George) on November 8. The weather was absolutely glorious with…

First Time Running Trapline

I rounded a point in the field and came face to face with the prettiest coyote I had ever seen. My adrenaline level went sky high, and I was frozen in awe. In all honesty, this coyote did not have a silky, silver coat. Actually, the pelt had a brownish tint to it and was…

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