

Hunter Falls On Rattling Antler

Woody Rogers liked to hunt with rattling horns. On Nov. 23, 1993, the then 29-year-old tucked his antlers into his fanny pack and went hunting in Butts County. He came to a steep-banked erosion ditch that was 8 feet deep. As Woody attempted to cross the ditch, his feet slipped and shot out from under…

Son Hopes For A Miracle In Finding His Dad’s Georgia Deer Mount

By Kevin Yarbrough Like many of us, I grew up hunting and fishing with my dad and granddad. My dad was a life-long deer hunter. He killed many big bucks, but his biggest was a huge buck in Troup County on Nov. 19, 1970. I wasn’t born until 1978, but ironically, I invited my dad…

Georgia Spy Cam – January 2024

Email pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.    

Letters To The Editor: January 2024

8-Year-Old Kills First Deer, Writes Hunt Story Dear GON, Hello everyone. So I am a deer hunter. Let’s start there. Well, I am sooo excited because I shot my first-ever deer, and I am only eight! So here is my story. I was with my daddy, and we were walking to the deer stand. Then…

Nocturnal Bucks, Bumper Crop Of Acorns Cited For Tricky Georgia Deer Season

As the pages of GON attest, plenty of fantastic Georgia bucks were killed this season. However, our Hunt Advisor reports are mixed, with many seeing less deer movement and rut action during daylight hours this season. How was your deer season? Please don’t forget to respond to your Survey Monkey email from GON, or if…

Coosa River Anglers Caught Way Over The Limit

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided from DNR LED. Floyd County: There’s over the limit, and there’s OVER the limit… Game Warden Isaac…

Eufaula Crappie Bite Even On “Slow Days”

We met at the Cool Branch Park boat ramp just south of Georgetown on a recent cold, clear morning. Captain Ryan Nix was waiting and ready to go as my friend Diz and I pulled up. Ryan has made a living on the water, retiring from the U.S Coast Guard after 20 years of honorable…

Wimmens. Deer Variety

Doe. So come on and admit it: a totally dismissive attitude crept unsummoned into your brainbox  immediately upon reading the word. I get it; skinheaded whitetails don’t get no respect. Been there. And got over it. For the most part. Sure, I’d still rather see something wearing a bundle of bones on its head come…

Scrapbook – January 2024

Send photographs to [email protected], and please include name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and details.                  

Big Bucks Are Individuals

Somebody had opened the flood gates, and it had been raining cats and dogs all morning long. At about 9:30 a.m., I was slowly sloshing my way back to camp along the top of a steep hardwood ridge that dropped down into a narrow wooded draw. Suddenly the bottom fell out. I was wearing an…

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